Coffee please

Dec 05, 2012 14:36

Went to a coffee place to get a coffee for me and a coffee for my friend.
Had to wait in line a bit, and while I was waiting I got distracted reading the different sorts of coffee available.
So by the time I got to the front I couldn't remember exactly what my friend had wanted.
When the coffee chick asked me what I wanted, I looked confused for a moment while I tried to remember, then said "um, two...lattes. I think that's what she wanted!"
"She" being my friend of course.
She looked pitying at me.
"Do you like chocolate?" she said.
"What?" says I.
"Do you like chocolate?" she said, in the way one would speak to a small child, if the small child was shy, and you were an annoying old person who insists on asking stupid questions to kids you barely know, such as "Have you been a good boy for Santa?"
"Yes?" I replied.
"I'll make you a cappuccino. I'll put some chocolate on top. You'll like that"
"Um, no, I'd like a latte thanks?!"
"Are you suuuure?"
"Yes! Two lattes please!"
She didn't like this. She grumpily turned aside and barked my order to the bloke behind the coffee machine.
Left with my (not very good) coffee.
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