
Oct 02, 2012 15:11

Nathan is two today!
He's a lovely, sweet, sunshiny kid...unless he's been sick. For the few days after that he's much more likely to sook and fuss and cling.
Must be two :)

A few days ago we had a midnight adventure to the hospital, with croup that came on out of nowhere. Very scary to hear him struggling away for breath. Even scarier to hear him then collapse into seal coughs while trying to cuddle in to me for help. I rang the nurse and she asked me to put Nathan on the phone. Which I did. Her response was "OK, thanks. The ambulance has now been called, what address?"

This was made very tricky by being away from home. We are house sitting our friends' place in Sydney, and I don't know the area at all. I could manage to give them an address, from the sheet my friend left, but when they asked other details I had no clue.
We muddled through. Nathan perked up very quickly after riding in the ambulance and then charmed everyone at the hospital, nattering away and happily doing puzzles and reading books.
Three in the morning I finally got him home and back to bed.
And then he woke for the day like normal at 6am.

Since then we've been slowly recovering, both from croup, and from tiredness.
So he's been extra likely to collapse into "I'm now overtired, I need a nap, nothing is going to make me feel better, cry cry cry...oh but I want to do it myself, so even though I'm super tired here I still want to run down the hall, walk on the road, throw your phone, get off this train NOW`......."
Parenting that is all sorts of challenging.

Today we went to the museum for his birthday. It was good! They have an under 5's area, which is lots of exploring, touching, doing, playing. There are lots of fun things to see and do. The main reason we went is for the "Deep Sea" exhibition, which for little people is Octonaut based. Spend a birthday with the Octonauts? Yes!
After chucking an almighty wobbly in the train on the way there (which everyone on the train experienced - one lady even tried offering him jellybeans, which he threw at her politely declined. No luck there. But we carried on.
During the museum visit he was happy! Then afterwards, as we were heading back to the station, he wanted his banana. He's very specific about banana right now. It used to be that he wanted bananas out of the peel, broken in half, one piece for each hand. ("Two!")
Now he wants it half peeled, hold the bottom half and eat down to the end.
So I did this. He took one bite. The banana broke in half.
That was enough.
"Boke!!! Narna boke!! Fix Mummy!!"
Cue crying.
I really didn't want to catch another train with a screaming toddler. And he wasn't falling for "hooray, now you have two!" or "Oh dear, never mind!" He wanted his banana how he wanted it thanks.
So I tried to fix the banana.
Bananas don't stick back together.
So you have to try and get the boy to hold both pieces at the same time, inside the skin, so it looks the same as before.
It worked ok. But every time he took a bite it fell apart again.
Repeat repeat, fix the banana again, keep moving towards the station.
By the time we got there I had fixed it seven or eight times.
But he wasn't screaming!
We were both covered in banana though.
The price you pay.
Two is interesting. Fun and challenging.
Happy Birthday spunky little boy :)
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