Choices 1 of 1

Nov 07, 2008 11:34

Title: Choices
Author: KliqzAngel
Actors/Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Content: M/M Relationships, Boy Kissin’, Angstin’!Jensen, Determined!Jared
Rating: PG
Summary: Life was all about choices and how to survive the bad ones.

He stood by the edge of the cliff, looking out over the water, watching the waves crash onto the rocks. Arms crossed over his chest, eyes distant seeing faces and places from a distant past. His face and hands were weather rough now, whiskers and dark circles under his eyes disguising what many had at one time called pretty. His days which once had been filled with endless hours of repeating the same lines and scenes, were now filled with endless moments of regrets and longings while he worked outside on his small cottage.

He realized now that life was all about choices and the only way to survive was to figure out how to live through the bad ones.

No one could make the right choice all the time. Once he hadn’t understood that, but then he went and made the biggest bad choice of his life and lost everything that was important.


He looked down at his flannel shirt, ran a hand over his whiskered cheek, and sighed wondering if the pain would ever ease. Once he’d insisted on $300 jeans and “vintage” shirts that cost more than an original would have even been worth. Now he shopped at Wal-Mart and bought clothes off the bargain racks. Not because he couldn’t still afford $300 jeans and $100 vintage t-shirts, but he’d been made aware of the fact that life was about more than that.

The people in town whispered he knew about the crazy eccentric that lived up in the house on the cliffs. There was a time that would have bothered him, but that was before he let the whispers ruin his life. He’d paid attention to the gossips and the hate mongers and the judging old betties and ignored the person that said he loved him. Turned his back on the man he’d waited for, the man he’d almost never had because he couldn’t believe HE would want him.

He’d figured out too late it seemed that life was just the dressing for the man and the love.

He’d never imagined a second chance.

When the letter came in the mail he’d stared at it for days before opening it. His response had gone out in the mail the very next day.

He knew when he’d arrived. He felt before he saw, his eyes still turned toward the rocks and the sea. He’d imagined after all these years the bond would have been broken, but now staring over the edge watching the waves crash endlessly against the rocks, he felt it pulling at him as strong as ever.

Turning, he stole a moment to take in the changes and the unchanged.

“Jen,” the voice called out, being carried to him by the wind. Still though he stood silent, eyes becoming moist as he watched an impossible past walk into his present.

“Jay,” he finally choked out when finally the body, the man, the soul was back in his space, closer than he’d ever imagined it would be again.

“I decided that I don’t care what you decided because one person doesn’t get to make the decision for two,” he said stubbornly lifting his chin and crossing his arms over his chest. “And maybe I should have decided sooner, l but I had to stop being pissed off first so… I did and now I am… here that is.” Jensen wanted to smile because it was so His Jared, but he was pretty sure the situation should be too serious for such things as amused smirks.

“I love you,” Jensen said softly looking into Jared’s eyes.

“I’m glad,” Jared said letting loose the smirk Jensen himself had resisted. “It woulda sucked coming all this way if you didn’t.”

“Jerk,” Jensen laughed, his grin nearly splitting his face.

It was all about choices, and how you dealt with the bad ones.

Jensen figured he’d lucked out, because Jared was clearly better at dealing with them than he was.

His eyes closed when Jared lifted a hand and ran those oh-my-God-they’re-long fingers over his lips, and he shivered under his layers of clothing because he hadn’t believed he’d get that touch again. “Jen,” Jared whispered softly and Jensen almost missed it when the wind tried to carry it away.

He opened his eyes just in time to see Jared’s head descending towards his, and quickly shutting them again as he prepared himself. The kiss was short, just lips on lips, but the second Jared’s touched his a jolt of electricity shot through him, waking him up from whatever hibernation his mind had been in while his lover was gone.

“Stay,” Jensen whispered back without thinking, without stopping to consider, without anything but overwhelming love in his heart and only Jared on his mind.

“Was plannin’ on it,” Jared assured smiling against Jensen’s mouth, giving him another peck before straightening and looking towards the car. “I should go let the babies out,” Jared said absently. “I think they’re as excited to see you as I was.”

And, then he walked off, Jensen knew it was just to go let the dogs out, but Jensen made himself a promise right then and there that this time, no matter what choices he made, good or bad, he wasn’t ever making Jared do that again.

It was all about choices.

Jensen only hoped he’d learned how to make the best ones he could and make things better when he couldn’t. Because the last thing he wanted was to be those waves for the rest of his life, crashing against the rocks made of bad decisions come from bad choices.

Not when he could have Jared instead.

The End

angst, short story, j2

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