Fic: Little Green Eyes

Aug 25, 2008 09:18

Title: Little Green Eyes
Author: KliqzAngel
Actors: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles with mention of Kim Manners
Pairing: J2
Content: Age Regression, Kid talk! Angry J2’s, Little Boy Tears and some light Jared angsting, Brief Adult/Adult sex. NO CHILD/ADULT SEX SCENES!! Some cuddling and soothing of tears, but nothing inappropriate!
Rating: PG-13 mostly (Epilogue may be R)
Summary: After what is only the most recent of many fights they’ve had over the last several months, Jared goes to bed broken and thinking it was over between them. When he wakes up and sees a much younger Jensen than he’s used to, Jared panics, curses Kim, then discovers the hidden blessing in the situation. In the end, will the spell mend a relationship that’s been pushed to its limits, or shatter it beyond all repair?

The fight that started it all

“God damnit I am so sick and tired of this juvenile crap,” Jensen swore angrily as Jared glared at him from the entranceway. “Just once it would be nice to not be the only adult in this damned relationship!”

“And I’m tired of you acting like Dean fuckin’ Winchester all the time without all the fun parts of his fuckin’ personality.” Jared yelled back slamming the front door shut and latching the bolt. Pulling the chain across the door Jared hung his key ring on the peg, while he glared at his boyfriend who recently seemed to find reason to argue in every little thing Jared did. “You act like you’re seventy years old! Live a little for God’s sake! Have some fun! Just because we’re adults doesn’t mean we can’t act a little goofy and enjoy ourselves sometimes!”

“When do we get to the part where you STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD THEN?” Jensen screamed following Jared down the hallway towards their bedroom. “I am tired of the romper room act all the goddamned time! Why can’t you be serious once and awhile?”

Pulling his shirt over his head, Jared let the soft cotton of his t-shirt brush away the tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. The last thing he was willing to let Jensen see was how much his words hurt. “You know Jensen, I have been the same person since we started this relationship. You’re the one who has decided all of a sudden that it’s not ok to have fun any longer. You’re the one who has to be so goddamned serious all the time that I wonder if you even remember what it’s like to have a good time.”

“Someone has to do it, Jared,” Jensen spat, “because you certainly don’t seem to know how! Jesus Chris I have never been so humiliated in my LIFE! Why do you have to act like a 4 year old all the time? I wish you would just grow up and act like a responsible adult!”

“I didn’t do anything different than I have done a million times, Jensen.” Jared pointed out stiffly refusing to turn around as he absently fingered the necklace Kim had given him before they left for their summer break. “I am sorry my childish ways offend you so much. I wish you could remember what it is like to be 4 again. Maybe you’d be happier.”

“The only thing that’s gonna make me happier is a change of scenery,” Jensen growled yanking his pillow off the bed. “Maybe this farce has gone far enough, maybe I should just go to Texas alone because I really cannot handle two weeks of Jared’s playtime hour. This whole relationship has always only ever been one big fan girl fantasy anyway. It never should have happened in the real world.”

As Jared pulled the covers over his head after climbing into bed, let the tears go, crying himself to sleep, the charm from the necklace clutched firmly in his hand.

Read Chapter One

baby jen, j2

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