Chapter Six

Jul 22, 2008 09:45

Jared’s life was insane. Sitting down on the bed, he rubbed his hands over his face questioning for the millionth time if they’d made the right decision coming out THEN when Jensen was still in the midst of getting his shit together. Fortunately Dr. Ross had been more than happy to do counseling for Jensen over the phone since Jared didn’t even BEGIN to trust anyone in LA to help Jensen. Dr. Ross said it was ok. Normally, he would have been less than thrilled, but pointed out that he and Jensen hadn’t thus far worked like any other couple he’d ever helped before, and didn’t see why they should start now.

Jensen meanwhile seemed to be taking the whole thing wonderfully. His normally press shy boyfriend was thriving on this. He had even agreed for the two of them to sit down and do a formal interview or two about the whole thing, so while Jared was a nervous wreck, Jensen was happier than he’d ever appeared to be in his life. Feeling the bed dip behind him, Jared smiled as arms wrapped around his waist and Jensen’s chin rested on his shoulder. “It’s all good, Jay. I don’t know what you’re worried about. Is it really us? Are you regretting tying yourself to me?”

Jared hated that, the uncertainty he heard in that question and quickly shook his head before turning to press a fierce kiss to Jensen’s lips. “No way, not for a second. I guess my brain just hasn’t caught up to the idea that my normally attention shy boyfriend is loving all the attention us coming out is getting us. I’d kinda worked myself up for a different reaction ya know?”

Dr. Ross had stressed to Jared how important it was that he be perfectly honest with Jensen and while his first instinct was to hide his fears, try and keep Jensen safely in the dark, it wasn’t really what was in Jensen’s best interest. So, Jared was being a good boy and not hiding things from Jensen to protect him and, so far, the doctor had been right.

“I know you’re used to me bein’… Different, but I dunno, Jay. This is so… huge! I mean, no one has ever loved me as much as you do. No one in my life has ever wanted people to know they were attached to me personally and yet you… You my best friend and entire family… You not only make sure people know I am attached, you come out to the world, to millions of people and tell them I’m good enough. I just, I love you so much Jay. I feel… better. I can’t explain it. I ain’t saying its some miracle cure, but… It was like the second you said those words everything changed. I feel stronger, I feel more able, and I feel like I can do anything as long as you still love me.”

“I even,” Jensen started taking a deep breath before starting again. “I even called Eric and talked to him about this idea I have for a series. He, he really liked it and, well, I think I wanna move behind the camera, ya know? He said he’d help and Kim said he’d teach me things, an’ I just… I feel like I have this whole world that’s suddenly available to me and I know none of it would exist except for you. I’m so lucky and I just…”

When Jensen stopped abruptly, Jared turned his head and looked back at his lover. “You just what baby?”

“I know you’re gonna hate this, but I wish I’d been able to work things out with Chris. I know he done bad, Jay, but the fact is I put myself into a position where he could make me the scapegoat and no one would question it. Hell the only reason I don’t is ' cause, I was with you. If I’d been in town, if I didn’t know for certain I had been in fuckin’ Vancouver at the time I honestly wouldn’t even question I’d fucked up Steve’s career. And damnit Jay, he’s so broken!”

Jared sighed nodding. “Yeah, I know. I hate Chris, but damnit Steve loves him still despite all this.”

“You know for so long I’ve been so pissed off at Chris because I always felt like I had to compete with him for you. It was like you could be Chris’ friend or mine. Chris’ buddy or my boyfriend, but you couldn’t be both, and damnit Jensen that hurts. To know I’m good enough 'til the fuckin redneck comes around, then you lose all interest in me.”

Jensen was shocked. “Jay, I,” Jen shook his head, surprise evident on his face. “Jesus, do I really do that?”

“Yeah, Jen, you do. An’ I don’t understand why, ‘cause you don’t do it with anyone else. We can hang out with Steve or Mike just fine, and it’s all of us, but Christian makes an appearance and poof. I ain’t nothin', but a memory ‘til his ass leaves town again. I just… It’s just that… damnit all to hell, sometimes I just wonder if it ain’t 'cause it’s him you love, an’ I’m just the stand in while he’s gone.”

“My God Jay,” Jensen fell back onto his ass shocked, mouth hanging open. Never would he have imagined that Jared would hold such insecurities. His Jay, his strong warrior savior, to be so afraid and unsure, it just reminded Jensen that there was still so much he didn’t know about Jared. So much he hadn’t even bothered to find out, something he was determined to change after all of this.

“Baby, no.” Jensen said firmly as Jared stood and made to leave, but was stopped when Jensen grabbed his wrist. “Please just, Jay. No one could take your place, ain’t no one’s shoes you could fill, because the second you stepped into them you make ‘em yours. It’s not Chris. It’s always you, Jay!”

“Then why!” Jared shouted suddenly twirling around angry and frustrated and Jensen couldn’t help but jump more from being startled than from fear. He knew Jared would never hurt him, but he’d had no idea his boyfriend held such deep seeded anger about this. He knew he didn’t like him but this…




“Guys,” Steve poked his head in wide-eyed and looking very apologetic. “I know my timing sucks, but we gotta leave in 5 minutes and Jared only has his boxers on. I hate to say it, but you’re gonna have to settle this later.”

Jared marched over to the closet, Steve turning to Jensen trying to express things with his eyes that were completely unnecessary. As the door closed quietly, Jensen inched over slowly and put his arms around his boyfriend, trying to clamp down on how his body was shaking as he rested his lips against Jared’s shoulder blade. “I know this isn’t gonna cut it, Jay. An’ I know we have to talk about this later, but please, baby, I am begging you to believe me when I say I love you. I can’t explain Chris in five minutes, and hell, I don’t know if I could if I had five hours instead, but please.”

Being so close, he felt Jared take a deep breath, Jensen knew he’d be storing away his anger, probably willing to leave it hidden again unless Jensen made him talk later, something he swore to himself that he was going to do. “I know you love me, Jensen. That isn’t the point. Just, forget it ok? It’s my thing. Don’t worry about it.”

Jensen knew he should push, should say fuck the time, but this was a big night for Jared, and Jensen had already done so much that could hurt Jared’s career. So, instead of doing what he knew he should, he nodded and pushed away promising himself, they would finish their discussion later.


Walking down the red carpet was surreal for Jared. He’d done it a million times and yet this time he felt so divided. A part of him wanted this, loved this so much. The lights and the people all there to see HIS movie, photographers and interviewers wanting HIS attention, everything about this two and a half hour piece of himself, he put on film to present to the world. And yet, the fight before they’d left had just left him cold inside. The anger just wouldn’t go back into the hole it’d escaped from. He felt like he had this dual personality thing going on that was leaving him more than a little shaken and afraid.

And, then everything changed.

They always say time freezes when something tragic happens, and Jared had always scoffed at the idea offering what he knew was the logical explanation, but then it happened to him and there was no logic to find.

Hearing his name, Jared turned, smile ready knowing Steve, Mike and Chad were somewhere behind him waiting in the wings. Jensen was at his side, tucked in where everyone expected him to be, perfect smile in place just like everyone expected. His eyes scanning the people behind him though, Jared didn’t immediately see anyone, until Tom stepped clear of the crowd, eyes glassy and angry, face pale and bruised.

He didn’t see the gun right off. Didn’t understand what was happening until he seemed to be looking right down the barrel of the weapon Tom was holding in his unsteady hands. Somewhere off in the distance he could hear Mike screaming, see Chad blocking him with his body as Steve held him back. He could feel Jensen tugging at his arm, but as if his feet were set in cement, Jared wouldn’t move.

“Tommy? What’re you doin’?” Jared heard himself ask confused. Steve had tried to warn him that Tom was out to get him, but Jared had just nodded then forgotten it. He knew Tom was a hothead and not in his right mind, but they’d been friends once. So, what would he really do, right?

Later as he was talking to the cops, Chad would say Jared’s good heart always tended to be his downfall. He just didn’t always see the bad intentions other people had, because he'd never consider doing something so terrible to another human being himself.

Later Mike would cry and rage blaming himself. He’d refuse to see Jared, too ashamed of what had happened, and would go home to his family taking Chad with him.

Later Jensen would blame himself, while vowing that Tom would rot in prison forever.

But, Jared didn’t know any of that in that moment. He wasn’t aware of anything but himself and his one time friend who was pointing a gun at him, and he just couldn’t understand why.

The first shot hit somewhere in his upper chest, Jensen still yanking on his arm frantically behind him. The second didn’t hit him at all. Before the first bullet was barely out of the barrel, a human streak appeared out of the corner of Jared’s eye hitting him at the same time as the first bullet, taking the second for him as he protected Jay with his body.

Landing in a heap on the carpet getting redder by the moment, Jared wrapped his arms around the body that had collided with his, and turned his head to look stunned into ice blue eyes. “I don’t understand.” He said ignoring the screams and people tugging on them as Chris smiled weakly.

“Guess I’m more forgivin’ than Tommy, Jay. Might be an Oklahoma Bastard, but I ain’t gonna let no one hurt my Jenny the way he’d be hurt if you died. Sides, if I wasn’t such a bastard, and you weren’t so goddamned afraid I was gonna steal your boyfriend alla time, we’d probably be friends.”

Finally, time returned to normal as everything hit Jared in real time at the once. Jensen was holding Jared’s head screaming for help, Steve had come over and was cussing at Christian ‘not to goddamned die on him now ‘cause, I ain’t done yellin’ at you ya bastard!’ Cops were suddenly everywhere and the next thing Jared knew he was being loaded into an ambulance trying to see those eyes again, except now they were closed.

“Please,” he begged grabbing the EMT’s arm to get his attention as they sped away, Jared unsure where everyone else went, or now he’d gotten into the ambulance. “Please,” he begged the man who had spared him half a second of his attention. “Please, you gotta save him. Steve loves him.”

And then, the world became black again, the last thing Jared hearing was someone screaming, “He’s crashing!”


When Jared opened his eyes the first thing he saw was the top of Jensen’s head rested on one of Jared’s arms his fingers twined with Jared’s. “Don’t wake him, baby, he hasn’t been asleep for long,” Jared heard and turning his head saw his mother seated in a chair next to his bed, her face looking more tired than normal.

“Mamma? What’re you doin here?” Jared asked momentarily confused, watching as his mother’s face got sadder.

“You don’t remember the shooting, Jay?” She asked her fingers betraying her calm voice as they played restlessly with the bottom of her shirt.

Jared turned his head back and closed his eyes as images came to him. Screaming at Jensen, asking why he was always second best to Christian fuckin’ Kane. Tom looking high and all beat to crap holding a gun on him. Then he remembered the pain, the blood, both his own and Chris’, as the man lay bleeding, and maybe dying in his arms trying to explain the world to Jared.

“Jesus, Mamma, Christian, did he?” Jared started and stopped unable to ask, but his momma’s smile answered for him.

“He’s alive baby. They are usin’ drugs to keep him asleep, but he’s alive, and last I heard they had decided to bring him out of it. He saved your life Jared. They think that he went there to protect you, baby.”

Jared couldn’t help but laugh. It started out small, just a chuckle twitching his shoulders, but turned into something bigger. Body clenched, tears rolling down his face, Jensen sitting up looking alarmed, as his momma ran for a nurse, as Jared laughed, rolling onto his good side, holding his stomach as he laughed, until he felt the needle prick his skin as hands tried to hold him down.

He would have explained, but he knew they wouldn’t understand.

How ironic was it that not even an hour before he’d been shot, he’d demanded to know if anyone would ever put him first, and the man that finally does is Christian Kane himself?

As his eyes closed, the drugs doing their job, Jared figured to himself that there was no sense in asking why. It seemed he’d never figure his life out.

All he could do was just hold on, and hope he could do a good job faking it.


Steve was tired. He was certain that his butt had molded to the seat next to Chris’ bed. The nurses had given up on trying to get him to leave. Christian’s mother had come, and after giving the nurses an earful about Steve being removed from bedside, gone to find a hotel room to stay in letting Steve know she intended to check in on Jared when she returned before coming up to Christian’s room.

Steve had offered her his guestroom, given that it seemed Christian hadn’t told his mother they were no longer together, but she declined. It seemed he HAD told her Jensen and Jay were staying with him, and she hadn’t wanted to impose on them.

The whole situation was a little surreal for Steve. Just days before he was convinced his relationship was over, and then the stupid redneck went and got himself shot saving Jay’s live. This left Steve a little confused about what he wanted. Everything was so clear when Christian was just a backstabbing asshole, but somehow throwing himself in front of a bullet to save the life of the man he claimed to hate, muddied the waters more than a little.

He knew he loved Chris, that had never been a doubt, but he didn’t know if despite the sacrifice Chris made, he could ever trust him again. Laying his head down on the bed, he hadn’t realized he’d closed his eyes let alone, fallen asleep until he jerked awake feeling fingers in his hair. Looking at Christian’s pale face left a wide range of emotions to sweep through him. leaving him dazed, and even more confused.

“I hate you.”

It came out unexpectedly and if it weren’t for the look of absolute shock on Christian’s face Steve wouldn’t have realized he said the words out loud. Cursing under his breath, Steve rubbed his hands over his face hoping to brush away the lingering sleepiness before lowering his hands and looking at Christian.

“I hate you because you’ve made me doubt everything I was so sure of, before you got shot. I hate you because I thought I had this relationship that had gone through every test there was, and come out on the other side. I hate you because you sacrificed yourself for a man you hate ,and reminded me that I can’t fuckin’ live without you. I hate you, because I love you so much I don’t think I would ever be able to breathe again if anything ever took you away from me forever.”

“I swear to God Chris, if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’ll kill you myself.”

Choked up, Christian nodded and tried to smirk through the pain. “Gotcha, next time Tommy decides to kill Jay; I’ll just let it be.”

Steve smiled shakily not able to laugh and hung his head sighing. “This doesn’t just make everything all better, Chris. I hope you know that.”

Chris shrugged trying to look as if he didn’t care that Steve was effectively wounding him more than Tom’s bullet had. Not paying much attention to anything, but his own emotions, Steve didn’t notice and continued speaking. “I love you and after this, I don’t know how I ever thought I could live without you. Even so, goddamnit Chris, how do you ever expect me to trust you again? How can I believe anything coming out of your mouth isn’t a lie? And yet, I have to have you back.”

Running his hands though his hair, Steve decided it was time to stop fighting himself and just give in. “One more chance, Chris, and I fuckin’ mean it goddamnit. One and that’s it. An’ that don’t mean I am hidin’ my friendship with Jenny to make you feel better. I ain’t treatin’ him like a second class person ever again for you or anyone else.”

“An’ don’t think this means he’s gonna just fall at your feet either, in fact other than a thank you, I wouldn’t hold your breath on this stunt getting him to say anything to you, ‘cause, I swear to GOD if he just forgives you like that, I have I’ll kick his ass. An’ Jay, don’t you think he’s gonna just let bygones be bygones either. This thing with you an’ me has got NOTHIN’ to do with them. An’ us, you’re gonna have to work at it this time, Chris. Separate livin' spaces, dates, therapy and I mean for you AND us, jackass, the whole nine yards. You EVER manipulate me or Jen again, and I swear to god, I will let Jared loose on your bastard ass.”

“Swear to God, Steve, gimmie another chance and you won’t regret it,” Christian choked out, hands gripping the bed sheets. “I’ll fuckin jump through every hoop you want. I’ll do anything you ask. I’ll make amends with everyone.”

Steve eyed Christian doubtfully, but nodded then thinking of something else glared at Chris. “And damnit you’re tellin’ your mother what the fuck is goin on Chris. I mean everything, ‘cause that woman is actin like we’re still together, treatin me like she likes me and shit, and it makes me feel like crap.”

Frowning Chris turned his eyes to the door as if expecting his mother to walk though at that very moment. “What the fuck are you talkin’ about Steve? I already told Mamma everything. Told her after you kicked me out. She kicked my ass from here to Oklahoma and back.”

Steve scowled. “You’re lyin, you gotta be. Damnit, you couldn’t go five fuckin seconds. Why the fuck would she be so damned nice to me, if you told her the truth?”

“I ain’t lyin! She likes ya, ya damned idiot! She always has. Hell sometimes I think she likes you more’n me.” Christian scowled at the surprised expression on Steve’s face. Bracing his hands on the bed he tried to adjust his position finding something more comfortable. He’d only been awake for less than half an hour when Steve woke up.

“Steve?” Chris asked, growing cold with fear. “Why can’t I move my legs?”


Jensen was sitting in Jared’s room watching Jared sleep, when he heard the door open. Expecting it to be a nurse, Jensen ignored the sound until he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. “How’s he doin’, baby?”

Recognizing that voice immediately, Jensen turned and stood letting her wrap her arms around him because while his relationship with his own mother was a nightmare, Christian’s mother had never treated him like anything less than her own son. Something he hadn’t realized until he’d sobered up long enough to understand and appreciate what the woman was offering him.

“I don’ know,” Jensen said thickly turning his head to look back at his boyfriend. “He almost died because of me.”

Shaking her head, Sharon cupped the side of Jensen’s face with a hand smiling softly. “No, baby, he almost died because of Tom not you. So, you just get that idea out of your head. Why don’t you call me no more?”

Jensen blushed and shrugged sitting back down on the bed, taking Jared’s big hand between his smaller ones. “Chris an' I ain't been getting’ along much these days.”

“So, what does that have to do with you not callin’ me?” Sharon asked gently, and Jensen looked back at her surprised. Sighing Sharon shook her head.

“Someday I am gonna meet your mama, and I am gonna kick her ass for the way she’s treated you. Jensen you are like my own child. I don’t care what you’ve done or what mistake you’ve made, it ain’t gonna make me love you any less. Just because your real mamma don’t have much in the way of brains don’t mean I am lackin’ in that area.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more, and you might just as well consider all of that true for me as well Jensen Ross Ackles.”

Jensen hadn’t seen the other woman come in, but knew who she was; everyone knew what Jared’s mama looked like. “Mrs. Padalecki,” Jensen started only to be cut off.

“Jensen Ross if you don’t call me Barbara, I am spankin’ your behind. It’s mama or Barbara, but none of this Mrs. stuff. My boy loves you more than he loves his own babies, an' that’s sayin a whole lot.”

“I know Jared’s father and I haven’t been around much while you and Jared have been goin’ though all of this, but it isn’t for a lack of want. We woulda had both you boys down home with us the second Jared told us 'bout lovin you, an' your problems, but he didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

Barbara smiles blushing slightly. “Our family tends to be… well… Pretty much exactly like Jared, and he was pretty sure getting hugged from that many people on a regular basis might freak you out.” Jensen grinned as Sharon chuckled.

“But now that my boy’s been hurt, I expect the two of you to haul your little butts back to Texas with me the second he can travel. An’ to make sure you do, I ain’t leavin’ 'til you’re with me. Mrs. Kane you are more than welcome to come see us whenever you like, once you feel better leavin’ your other boy.”

Sharon nodded and hugged the other woman. “Call me Sharon. I hope despite the fact that my first boy Christian has been nothing but a butthead to your boy that we can be friends.”

Barbara nodded rolling her eyes. “You only know Jared, remind you to tell me about my older boy Mark, and my daughter, Stephanie…” Barbara sighed shaking her head, about to continue when a nurse came in.

“Mrs. Kane, we need you to come to your son’s room. There’s been a complication and he’s asking for you.”

When Sharon hurried out of the room, Barbara didn’t even hesitate in leaving with her. Jensen bit his lip watching the women leave, wondering how pissed Jared was gonna be when he found out they might not be able to get rid of Christian, after all.


By the time the two mothers got to Christian’s room, Steve was pacing outside his door restlessly, wringing his hands together looking pale and scared. Since they’d heard Christian shouting at someone the second they stepped off the elevators, Sharon headed right into the room, while Barbara took Steve’s arm and led him away from the middle of the hallway. “Sweetie, what happened?” Barbara asked concerned and then tisked, pulling the frazzled man into her arms before he could answer.

“He can’t feel his legs,” Steve said with a shaky voice. “Why can’t he feel his legs? How goddamned much more are we gonna have to go through? I can’t fuckin’ take any more of this.”

Barbara sighed holding the man tight in her arms. She knew Steve, mostly from the CD’s Jared never got tired of sending her, but knew her boy liked and respected the other man, and didn’t need to know anything more about him. Barbara had always thought of all her children that Jared had the best sense of people and therefore trusted his judgment.

“You’ll go through whatever he needs you to because you’re a good man, and you’ll remember that you don’t have to do it alone.” Barbara said firmly using her best mother voice not even caring Steve wasn’t her own child. “Whatever is goin’ on with that boy isn’t just for you to handle, my baby’ll make sure of that. An’ if his daddy and I can do anything to help, why you just pick up your phone and let us know, Steven.”

Steve sniffed and smiled despite his exhaustion and pain, shaking his head where it rested on her shoulder. “You have got to be Jared’s mother.”

Barbara smiled not doubting for one second that he knowing that was anything but brilliance on his part.


Hours later, Sharon came out and after a brief search found Barbara in the waiting room just down the hall from Christian’s room, seated on one end of a couch that looked less than comfortable with Steve sprawled out across the rest of it, his head in her lap.

“He tried to stay awake,” Barbara said softly running her hand over his hair. “But, I think the last couple days finally caught up with him. What did they say?”

Sharon took a deep breath and sat down in a chair next to the couch looking exhausted and more than a little numb. “They say he’s paralyzed. They aren’t sure, but there’s a good chance it is permanent. They are going to run tests tomorrow, but…” Sharon sighed and when she continued spoke much more quietly. “I can’t help but believe that it’s God’s punishment somehow for all the things he’s done.”

“I love my boy, as much as you love yours, but the things he’s done.” Sharon shakes her head wringing her hands together. “I’ve had my head in the sand where Christian was concerned it seems for too long. I’m not sure, even now that I know the truth, that I wouldn’t know as much as I do if Steve hadn’t broken up with him.”

“Truth is when he first called me and told me what he’d done to Steve and Jensen, about how he’d lied, about some of the things he’d done to Jensen…” Sharon shook her head before going on.

“I was horrified. I raised my boy better than that. I assumed I taught him right from wrong. I know it wasn’t always easy. I know his father wasn’t around as much as he should be, still isn’t, but I did my best. Neither of us drank a lot, sure his daddy did when his boys were around, but that’s just the way of things. Sure he disciplined him when he needed, but it ain’t like he abused him.” Sharon shook her head again looking up at Barbara, her eyes reflecting her pain. “What did I do to make my boy do such things? What if this IS God’s punishment for all the horrible things he’s done?”

“Then you hope for the best that he’s learned the lesson God’s teaching him and comes out a better man.” Barbara said.

“Our children are grown boys, old enough to make their own decisions. You and I, we can’t control how they choose to live their lives, and playing the ‘what did I do?’ game helps no one, certainly not your son or mine. I’m not sure it really matters why Christian did the things he did, at least not now, not here. Now I don’t know what happened between your boy and mine and Jensen, Jared hasn’t really told us many specific details, he probably won’t less he feels he don’t have a choice otherwise.”

“What I do know, is that you seem like you love your boy a lot, but IF the time comes when something comes out about Christian’s past that you or your husband may have had an effect on, well I suppose that it will be up to you to decide whose side you’re gonna stand on. The son who expects you to protect him and love him, or whoever hurt him, possibly even your husband or someone else you care about. God, I think wouldn’t judge anyone prematurely least of all your son. Judgment comes at the end not in the middle.”

Sharon nodded, cheeks flushed, wondering why she felt guilty, and why Barbara’s words seemed like she knew more about her family than she did.


angst, big bang, au, chris/steve, steps 'verse, j2, jensen, steve carlson, chad, michael rosenbaum, jared, christian, chad/mike

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