Fanmix, Acknowledgements and Thanks

Jul 22, 2008 09:45

The Fanmix

This is pretty much my inspiration for this story as a whole. The songs themselves deal with various members in the Verse. I have added links to the lyrics for the songs on Some of them are scarily accurate for the 'Verse. You can find a .zip version Here and a .rar version Here.

1)Beautiful Disaster (Live) by Kelly Clarkson (lyrics)
I got this song originally off a fan mix and loved it so much I had to buy it. This is #1 because it is THE song that identifies this verse, if I had to pick one. I think it just screams this Jensen.

2) Not Enough by Our Lady Peace (lyrics)
I already knew this song because WWE uses it quite often with Jeff Hardy, but I never thought to identify it with any other person til I was writing on this story, and it came on. I suddenly realized how much it fit what Jensen is trying to do in this story.

3) Always by Bon Jovi (lyrics)
Honestly I don't write ANYTHING without at least one Bon Jovi song playing. I just can't do it. I think this particular song though speaks for of Chris in this story and the regret he has over the choices he's made and how it's damaged his relationships with not only Steve, but Jensen as well.

4) Amazing by Aerosmith (lyrics)
I think that this is such an amazing 'I went through hell and made it out' song that I had to include it. Definitely fits both Jensen and Mike, I think.

5) Watch Over You by Alter Bridge(lyrics)
Finally we have a Jared song. This song is very much where Jared is at when he's leaving Jensen. He's so completely done, and I think a part of him just has absolutely no intention of turning back. This song speaks better than I could of where his head is at when he leaves the rehab to go back to LA.

6) Sorry by Buckcherry (lyrics)
So yeah, this one is a dual song. It fits Jensen's regret over his fight with Jared as well as Chris' fight with again Steve and Jensen. Plus I think Chris really in this story does feel bad at the end at how he treated Jared when he was only trying to fix a mess Chris himself made.

7) Green Eyes by Coldplay (lyrics)
I was searching for something I wouldn't normally listen to, to include in this, and ran into this song. I don't listen to my one and only Coldplay album much and wasn't really familiar with it. Fortunately I stumbled on this song, because I think its a good song to reflect Jared's feelings on the whole "Jensen's Savior" thing. He really believes that Jensen saved him first.

8) Breakdown by Daughtry (lyrics)
This is a Steve and Chris song, or more specifically a Steve's feelings on Chris after he finds out Chris lied. He's just so determined not to crumble under the weight of his love for Chris this time. *Le Sigh*

9) Bring Me To Life by Evanexcence (lyrics)
This is another dual song. It works equally well I think for both Jensen's view on Jared's love and Mike's view on Chad's love. Neither of them can figure out how they got to be so lucky, but are desperately happy someone finally sees them.

10) Better Than Me by Hinder (lyrics)
This is a Chris song, specifically after Steve leaves him and he's pulled his head out realizing what he's lost. He knows deep down Steve is better off without him, but he loves him so deeply he wants him back anyway.

11) What's Left of Me by Nick Lachey (lyrics)
This one is all Mikey! Tom has broken him so badly, but yet he still is looking for that something. He's willing to give Chad what he has left of his soul, if Chad is willing to take it.

12) How You Remind Me by Nickleback (lyrics)
This again works for two characters. I think it fits Jensen's confusing feelings towards Chris as well as Mike's feelings toward Tom. Both blaming themselves as much as the other person.

13) Psycho by Puddle of Mudd (lyrics)
OK, so being totally honest here. This song was chosen pretty much only for the title. LOL It's Tom's one and only song 'cause he's a complete and total PSYCHO in this Verse. I needed a song for him and love this so... yeah, laziness on my part.

14) Truth by Seether (lyrics)
OK so another Chris song. Mainly on his thoughts on the lie he's told Steve about Jensen. He's messed up AGAIN and he knows it.

15) Hate Me by Tantric (lyrics)
Yet another Jensen and Chris song after their fights with their partners.

16) Without You by Steve Carlson (lyrics)
Really, what would this mix me without a Steve song?? When I decided to do this mix I knew Beautiful Disaster had to be the first song and Steve had to be the last. This is one of my favorites of his songs and I think it does well fitting in with the overall feelings each man has toward their loved one.


click on picture to see full size (1280x800)

Acknowledgements and Thanks

WHEW!! When this Verse began, I never in a million years thought it would get up to ten parts not including the sidesteps, or that one of them would be as long as this story was.

When I first got the idea, it was off this picture.

I remember all the blow job stories that came out from it, but I remember looking at it going 'Jensen looks like he's high in some seedy back room'. And Poof! Steps 'Verse was born. I fought, like mad for days resisting writing this. The idea that was forming was much darker than anything I had tried before and I really was NOT comfortable with writing a Jensen who was so completely broken. Not to mention going against so many fandom "standards" in how I would have to handle various relationships and characters.

If it wasn't for mizbhaven13 Steps probably would never have made it out of my wonky brain. She's the one that kicked my ass and told me to stop whining and put it on paper. She's done more hand holding with this 'Verse than one person should ever have to. So I thank her tremendously for all she's done, including the monster that is this Tenth Step with her awesome beta skills!

I have had several loyal readers who have stuck with me throughout the course of Steps, and I honestly appreciate everyone who has followed because it means the world to me.

I want to thank arabella_hope for the BEAUTIFUL work she has done with the art for this. I am simply floored that my little story got such wonderful art. If you haven't given her feedback on it, I really hope and beg you to. You can click HERE to do so. Not only did she do an amazing job with the artwork, she helped tremendously giving an outside perspective this story needed helping me fill in gaps I hadn't seen.

Lastly, and certainly not least I want to thank audrarose and wendy for running spn_j2_bigbang because God knows I don't have the organizational skills and would never be able to pull off something like this.

And, for those that I know will ask, yes there is more Steps 'Verse to come, although the next story will most likely focus mostly on Jared and Jensen. I don't know how soon either, but it will come. The others (especially Chad and Mike) will probably be broken off into sidesteps.

Thanks everyone for reading!! Now go read some more stories!

angst, big bang, au, chris/steve, steps 'verse, j2, jensen, steve carlson, chad, michael rosenbaum, jared, christian, chad/mike

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