Mar 25, 2009 23:36
sigh - so after finally getting both hips replaced 2 years ago - I twisted the crap out of my knee over thankgiving weekend - duh - so since it wasn't getting better I talked to the dr in January and he x-rayed it and said it it kept hurting to check back - so went in a few weeks ago and he sent me in for the MRI (weird and noisy as hell) and found out that yeah - I did trash it (2 nasty tears in the meniscus and damage to the articular cartilage plus other unprouncable shit) so now he's setting up an appt with an orthopedic surgeon (probably arthroscopic surgery) which is from what I hear pretty simple and quick recovery etc (thank someone for small favors) for the good - I'm getting CHICKENS - FINALLY - wanted to raise them for a while and just decided to go for it this year - will be getting a big bunch of assorted babies mid-april - mostly girls to keep as layers but a few roos to use for meat... getting the heavy breeds that lay brown eggs (except the aracunas that lay blue and green ones) like Buff Orphingtons, Black Astrolorpes, Golden and Silver laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, WellSummers, Dark Brahmas, Black Sex Links and others... and I am inordaniatly happy about this - can hardly wait for all the fluffy little babies.