On Vox: so i didn't know what to do

Jan 05, 2010 22:21

I met the vet yesterday in the 13 degree weather, and I got Finn out he field and jogged him he was beautifully sound. Then, the vet put him under flexion....and he was unresponsive to any pain. No pain! Then I jogged him out, and he was BARELY off on the chip side, and completely sound on the other. I thought I was going to get the clear to put him back to work....and I did!!

In March. I kid you not. He said 'as soon as the ground thaws' I could put him back to work. "You mean, when it is over freezing I can ride?" I asked. "No, I mean when the ground consistently thaws, so plan for March 1."

SIGHHHHHHHHHH. He also told me I shouldn't ride Trance with the ground this hard. We have a soft indoor, but apparently he doesn't approve in general this time of year. SIIIIGHHH.

So I was happy (Finn is better!) but sad (fuck I can't ride), and didn't know what to do. I had done nothing athletic since October 1, so felt depressed and discouraged. So I thought, "Maybe it is time to join a gym." I have NEVER joined a gym, I always prided myself on being an athlete and not a gym rat, on playing sports to be fit and not running on a treadmill. Alas, this weather dictates that I will not be playing any sports any time soon. So, I called James' gym and asked about membership and they asked me to come in at noon. As an afterthought they asked if I wanted a free personal training session. Sure, I said, assuming it was going to be an intro to all the machines class.

I get there and this guy comes up, introduces himself, then explains that the gym didn't check the schedule and no one was free so he came in to work me out. He was the head athletic trainer for all the local Gold's Gyms, not just this one. He said he only works with Marine guys and Covert Ops, and is a professional adventure racer.

Can we take a moment to realize this is not what I was expecting. I am totally out of shape.

so he KILLED me for an hour and twenty minutes, then said he would actually like to train me even though I am not some secret agent. I realized how great it was to be in training for something (anything) again, so signed up for once a week lessons with him for over half off. I can barely move I am so sore, but am thrilled. I have a week to kill my cardio so I am not so pathetic next time. My legs and abs were rockstars, while my cardio and arms didn't show up today.

Nice to be back training, no longer depressed over my lethargy. Got new client referrals. Life is good.

Originally posted on kristinj.vox.com
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