May 24, 2013 14:34
15 minutes to reach minimum safe distance...
Okay, been awhile since I've posted, and even longer since I've complained about my job.
I am tired of the lack of communication. Telling me "here's a friendly reminder" when its the first time you're telling me this new instruction/way of doing things is insane.
I am tired of being given contradicting instructions, and then being either insulted or patronized depending on the outcome of my following one of those instructions, and then attempting to following the exact opposite instruction.
I am tired of having my intelligence and memory insulted, because "I can't remember what instructions were given to me before," see above insanity about contradicting instructions. Tell me to do it one way, I will do it that way. Tell me to do it another, and I'll do it THAT way instead. Keep flip-flopping, and I'll NEVER get it right.
If I could find another job that paid this much, I'd seriously consider not even giving my two weeks notice.
Cash is not cash when it is, but isn't when it is, but should be when its not. My. Life. Daily.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Brazilla got to be an officer of this company, and I get treated like a pup, since those above me can't figure out what's right and what's not, but will tell me with absolute certainty that is one way, until it isn't.
I've been working 9+ hour days (13 hours, if you count lunch, breaks, and travel time to/from the workplace), so I'm pretty beat, and I'm STILL not caught up with my work.
Just needed to vent before I blow up at something. I'm exhausted, I haven't been sleeping well, I haven't been eating well, and have been kinda out of sorts lately. I need some stability, and I'm not sure I'm going to get it working here.
Itchy.. tasty..