May 01, 2005 11:22
now more than ever do i fully appreciate why people avoid livejournal. it is a mess of drama and hurt. ill be more than happy to translate any post of mine for the nosy bastards who insist on translating it themselves. (privately of course...) as another disclaimer: i write when i feel emotion of any sort. its wonderful what emotion can do, it makes words and phrases surface like never before. and i do, i thank mr bjl for teaching me that, that writing is theraputic. BUT just because i thank him for it, its not always about him. or her. or another her. or another ex. its about whatever i feel its about, and im sorry, but there will always be generic hims, hers, or yous.
im certianly not attacking anyone who's posted on my stuff. in fact, the people this is aimed at haven't had the balls to say anything about this to me at all. i know it must seem that it's aimed at you two specifically, but i promise its not. i like yalls comments. i like the fact that you read this, that we can relate on some very bizarre level. i don't ever mean to offend. EVER. why would i bother writing on a fuckin livejournal instead of talking to the person about a problem one-on-one. i assure you i have more guts than that and i applaud you both for having the guts to write to me.
on that topic, i have no idea what you've heard about me, but i can assure you that good or bad, i am different. a girlfriend of mine gave me this idea eariler, so i figured now might be a good time to post it.
Kelly is: fun, flirty, hilarious, always there for everyone around her, caring, sensitive to criticism.
Kelly likes: crawfish boils! Football at midnight, girl talk, dancing ANYWHERE, weenie dogs, bad boys. Southern gentleman
Kelly dislikes: cheating, lying, people not trusting her. Tomatos and Onions! Blood and guts, and like every good scary movie! Complements.
Kelly has: a great family. BEAUTIFUL friends! Buddies all over the world. Drama, that needs to go away!
Kelly wants: a fucking c in econ! The real thing. No more lying. Love at first sight.
My thoughts about Kelly: She’s the best floor buddy ever! I wish I could fix the random situations she’s in, but I know it’ll all work out for the best. She’s a great girl, I don’t know why everything is happening to her, but she’s better than all of it. She deserves Prince Charming and she’s gonna get him.
It needs a little bit of tweeking, but for the most part Danielle had me figured out. I really will dance anywhere, parking lots, over the levee, walking down burbank... =) I have a wonderful family and a great support group up around me. I hate scary movies, I thought Amt. Horror was gonna kill me. I'm not sure I'm better than all the drama, but I can assure you that I believe it will all get worked out for the best.
There isn't much left to say about the "closed" situation that hasn't already been said. I can't lie, it really does hurt how it seems like life in the south was one big waste. not just to me, but to lots of other people as well. i liked how someone else wrote today that he "broke our hearts"... key word being ours. most of this shit has been focused on him leaving me. thats so incredibly wrong. he left US. not just me, i just happened to be the one with him before he left. looking back, i wish he would have spent the last day with people he really did care about, because there are plenty more people besides me that care/d about him. the last day was fun (fyi i finally put pictures onto my computer, be warned, some of them are from that friday), but not worth the drama it caused im sure.
im sick of talking now. im sorry this post was so random. i hope everyone enjoys the sunday.
xoxo kel
Yay for pictures!