
Dec 17, 2005 08:44

Huh, well I'm spending the ghastly Xmas days and my birthday at mothers as usual and as I feel very little inclination to socialise with a bunch of people I can't trust I'm going earlier than usual and may be staying there over New Year too.

I feel bad for missing nights out with people who are still genuine friends (ie those who don't just ( Read more... )

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messy chrissy+happy moo year annetelope January 1 2006, 23:12:05 UTC
*apologies for belated-ness* - have had the worst flu (began to suspect it MUST be avian and started checking for feathers!)for pretty much most of December which has been TOP in terms of seeing anyone or doing anything un-snot/cough-orientated, no christmas socialising and uber-stress trying to function enough to get all the necessary shash done --visit mum in the Lakes without catching pnuemonia/do the impossible (get in to see my doctor twice in 7 days !!) cos *obviously* flu wasnt enough and i had to have a chest infection literally x 2 as WELL ! - so im *just* finishing the second pack of penicillin and the death-rattle-cattargh-chest is now at a more manageable 'space-dust-popping-candy-sizzle' when i breathe, so, thats progress ;)
anyway, aside from my bronchial bugbears, xmas was still lovely and NYE (again up at mums) was too, and i truly hope yours were ;) *hugs* xxx

BTW....while im here taking up a page of your LJ :D - and as this is my best way of contacting you directly instead of a half arsed 'can you pass it on...' via others, i wanted to invite you myself...its my birthday v.soon, and im aiming to go 'out' either friday 13th (i KNOW!!!) OR friday 20th Jan - (will let you know asap) - were going to go to ye olde rockworld (ive swallowed my loathing of said venue as it now has a 7am alcohol licence on fridays!) - so petal...if youd like to come, that'd be just lovely ;) - i think its £5.50 to get in and with the late opening im doing no 'you *must* be here at....time' - HATE having to adhere to meeting times, i just always end up in a total flap/rush/panic and STILL arrive late, basically - we'll be in there for midnight, so come early, come late, just whatever you fancy and whichever suits you petal - i'll be the one with stripes, cat ears and a pint of guinness :D lol, take care and HNY again! XXX


Re: messy chrissy+happy moo year kleineprinz January 3 2006, 16:04:27 UTC
*Squee* Good to hear from you as ever Sugar!
Do hope you're feeling better (was afflicted with the lurgy a few weeks before Xmas and it took forever to go).
And chest infections are hideous, have had quite a few (only since moving to damp, nasty Engerland)...make you feel like you're suffocating and always made me feel utterly depressed...must be the lethargy and lack of oxygen.
Glad you had a good Xmas/NY honey....sadly I always get utterly stressed at that time of year...don't actually do Xmas but I broke the rules and got Mum a present this year (by chance found a rare book by her favourite german poet/cartoonist at Oxfam and she totally loved it!)
Unfortunately boxing day (my 30th birthday) was pure and unadulterated misery. Argh...can't believe I got sooo upset that everybody forgot but I figured that at least people I'd mentioned it to the day before would at least remember... :(
Nevermind, at least I cried my eyes out all day which is better than the dead feeling of the last year or two...I think.
NYeve was ok, spent with mother and a bottle of fizzy pink wine as well as some very unimpressive party poppers.
Aww, thank you soooo much for the personal invite (HUGS), of course I'll be there! (Heh, I'm far too used to wandering to places on my lonesome to be very good at the definite time thing either (the outfit takes as long as it will take...I'll be there anon ;p )
Will be fab to see you (sadly last year I was rather stressed by unwanted attention from an odd fella so bailed out as soon as I could!)

Heh, sorry to write an essay back...if you don't have the time to trawl through my wibbling...let me know and I will come!


Re: messy chrissy+happy moo year annetelope January 9 2006, 16:36:25 UTC
Hi-de-hi, stripeycat calling ^-^ *prrrr* just wanted to let you know its definetely going to be friday 20th sweetie, sorry im late replying - :( as usual (!) - also so sorry to read that about your birthday - feel esp awful as heres me wiffling on about what im doing for mine...doh...:( - anyway - stripey wishes for a very happy, albeit belated, birthday - !!! :) (and ive made a note of it so i know for Boxing Day 06'!).
Dont apologise at all for writing a fab-length reply - really appreciate you taking the time to write it more than anything - and hey, fuck brevity anyway ! its certainly NOT my strong point :)
my feet are smegging freezin though...so im cutting this short and off to forage for my fluffy-booty-slipper-things :)
soooo...shall see you 20/1/06 around 'pumpkin-o-clock' or thereabouts in RW :) *hugs* XXXX

BTW - just read a more recent post and *well done* for your li'l lottery win !!! *yay* - cant think of anyone who deserves it more *squeee* X


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