Dec 17, 2005 08:44
Huh, well I'm spending the ghastly Xmas days and my birthday at mothers as usual and as I feel very little inclination to socialise with a bunch of people I can't trust I'm going earlier than usual and may be staying there over New Year too.
I feel bad for missing nights out with people who are still genuine friends (ie those who don't just pretend to be nice to my face while doing everything possible to avoid me).
Hopefully some time away may make me feel a little more positive about people than I do right now.
At least I've found out more about who my real friends are over the last few weeks)
I still have things to sort out with people but my family have kept me so busy and drained that I'll just have to deal with that when I get back.
A very merry holiday to those who have actually been in contact with me recently (I truly appreciate it), the rest....oh whatever.