Get In The Car, It's A Sims Update!

Aug 25, 2011 21:31

Yeah...I could of course pretend I was NOT totally obsessed with this to preserve my dignity but, you know, dignity's for the weak, so: has it really been 6 days since my last sims picspam?! That's madness! Luckily, I can do something about that! Here's the college adventures of Albee, Bela's and Fenix' son, feat. the Bitch!Cheerleader that tormented his two dads and a few old/new aquaintances.

Where was I? Oh, right: Albee. Like I said, he's a huge dork in desperate need of positive attention. If I'd count all the failed interactions he's had as a teen, I'd ... well, the number would be pretty up there.

Albee: Woo! Food fight, dad! Dad?
Fenix: Did I drop that kitty I saved out of a burning tree today off at the pond...?

(I kid, I kid. Fenix loves him. He loves everyone. Animals, plants. Albee.)

Albee would bring school friends home, and his brother Truxton would then make out with them ...

And what does Albee do? Why, run upstairs and pee himself, of course!

This is ~*~Dagmar~*~, Albee's teenage dream. He's crazy about her, even though they have zero chemistry, at least on Dagmar's end.

He asked her to be his girlfriend, twice, and got rejected by her, twice. I don't know why, but when I saw him get shot down two times by this girl, I somehow knew he was my favorite, and would be heir. (Also his two siblings are - somehow - both permanent platinum since childhood, and that would've been kinda sorta dull.)

So it's off to college!

Albee: Nobody here will ever know what a dorky loser I was! *wears base game arcade t-shirt*

Time for some college age re-invention! He becomes more fashion conscious, and gets a new haircut, one that reveals his face even! (He is wearing Xizarx's awesome Death Note!Matt outfit.)

And, because I love it when other simmers do it:

Of course I had to bring ~*~Dagmar~*~ along. She's still not into him, but Albee rolls a Want to call her up to chat every night. They become pretty awesome BFF's actually, without all that pesky romancing.

And since he needs college mates, I made him some!

This is Eric, another original character some people might already know. He's a giant manwhore Romance Sim with artistic inclinantions.

Eric: *swaggers*

Oh, sure, Dagmar, he can get it. Nice.

Eric maintains his good grades by hooking up with his professors ….

… and leaves a trail of broken hearts in his wake.

Kai: Why won't he love me?

In case you were wondering if he also wohoo'd this guy: yes. Yes, he did.

This is Tito Corleone, who some people from my friends list also may recognize. He is one of the moodiest Sims I've ever made. I love his tiny little sadface!

I also have awesome Stuck!Dormies. They'd walk into their rooms, once, and then stay there. Forever. I have to moveobjects on them if I want to see them at all.

Tito is extremely neat and Eric is extremely sloppy, which causes some friction between them. (Or it at least causes Tito to barely keep his dinner down.)

But they have three-bolt attraction anyway. (Again, happy accident!)

A propos attraction: Albee eventually finds a girl that will look at him twice! (See, and this is why I love not playing a legacy. Stella Terrano is a playable, so technically I couldn't marry her in, but I really want her. She's so pretty, and she actually is one of the few Sims to actually hit it off with Albee!)

By the way, this is how Albee greets people.

Albee: Wanna shake hands?


Albee: I only pretended to shake your hand, OMG I'm hilarious I also didn't wash my hair

Luckily for him, Stella is a humongous dork as well and does think it's hilarious!

Wait what

Oh, yeah. I guess these two also boned.

Eric: How dare you. Nevermind that I slept with the entire student's body AND my professors, how DARE you!

Eric: Jezebel.
Stella: *walk of shame*

I felt bad for her. It isn't as if it was her fault.

If you're guessing that Eric is in there and Stalky McStalkerson is waiting for him to step out of the shower, you guessed right.

Sometimes, I should resist trying out new negative interactions only because I can.


I was shocked to discover Albee's violent streak when he became obsessed with kicking this kid's ass. I can't be sure, but I'm guessing it has something to do with Eric. I had to cancel Albee's cue out constantly to keep him from beating on Stalky.

Until tensions reached an all-time high one night and I wasn't paying attention for a minute.

That looks painful.

Hokay, was it really necessary to put his face through the TV? Really.

A few days later, at least Eric and Tito worked out their differences in a storm of confused feelings.

Eric & Tito: I hateyouihateyou *hearts hearts*

They have a complex relationship.

Tito wanted Eric to take a picture of him, but the kitchen chose that moment to catch fire.

Eric didn't like the picture he took, but I think it's a very ~*~artistic~*~, caught-in-the-moment kind of shot. :D

Tito is the Sim I imagine to be the most disgusted with the state of the bathroom, but also the least likely to clean it up himself.

The only Sim to ever clean is Albee. But he is a neat Sim, so he loves it.

I think it's adorable how they pat themselves on the back when they finish a paper.

Sweet! A genie lamp! Albee bagged it for later purposes.

Game said he could teach this brick a trick /unavoidable rhyme, so he stayed up all night and did. I love you, game.

Stuck dormie: *still there*

Anyway, things were going pretty well with Stella, and also I never saw this propose at the table-option before, so I clicked it.

"What are you doing?" - "Nothing :D"

Love the "will she or won't she?"-face.

Stella: *glass shattering scream*

Albee: So anyway, as I was saying … OMG OMG ENGAGED

♥ ♥ ♥

In case you were wondering if these two crazy kids also eventually made it.

Following the afternoon delight, Eric REALLY needed to get to class, and CheerBitch reminded me again why I hate her by teaming up with Stalky McStalkerson to trap them inside.

I got sick of Stuck!Dormie, so I took some desperate measures involving a gift that Fenix had given Albee.

Cowplant: *omnomnomnom*

Cowplant: *dormie breath*

The new dormie moved in and immediatly got stuck. -.-

Oh c'mon Eric, you never even SAW her. Also, nice pouch, buddy.

I thought it was kinda adorable tbh. Though maybe not THE look for an about-the-town Romance Sim.


Tito has maxed creativity and is really rockin' out on that guitar. I wish you could hear it.

Eric got fit :D

Albee, some enthusiasm for your actual fiancee would be nice.

His college days were coming to an end *sniffsniff*, so he gifted both Tito and Eric with a homemade specially-trained brick.

I was surprised by Eric's lackluster reaction, until I remembered they were currently not even friends for cheating-related reasons.

Anyway, on Albee's last night in the dorm, I decided to let him try avenge his fathers one last time.

Oh, it is ON! (Please make it so!)

I had no idea that you could actually belch at people to insult them. But. You can.


So. Dissappoint.

I hate CheerBitch. I really do.

Albee cheered himself up by making Eric pull that sprinkler prank I've he's always wanted to try.


College days are over, time for a graduation party!

Dancing with your dad who showed up in his spandex suit should be a Fear, not a Want. I'm just saying.

This was the cutest thing ever, he asked for her wishes and she said she wanted to make out with him. (I tried out a blue alien default, as you can see. It's a lovely skin, but I'm not feelin' it. I think I'll bring back the green.)


Wow. I'll be honest, I didn't know this cutscene existed. Sweet!


Bye, Eric and Tito (and...Stalky, I guess), I'll miss you. I'll see you again when Albee's kids go to college!

i'm a dork, picspam, sims 2, likouala, plz ignore, gooftastic likouala simspam, sims

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