Nov 28, 2011 23:38
Badass Adorable
(from a)
Badass Family
Fiery Redhead
Coming of Age Story
Loyal Animal Companion
May 27, 2009 16:17
This sounds like a fun meme. Seeing as I have precisely one (1) song for Klee and would love to have others, I hope you guys can think of some. Plus, I could really use a fun distraction this week.
So, give me a song you think would be good on a soundtrack for Klee.
Apr 22, 2009 22:06
1 question.
1 chance.
1 honest answer.
That's all you get.
You get to ask me 1 question.
Any question, anything, no matter how crazy, dirty, or wrong it is.
One catch, that should go without saying: no mentioning the questions or answers to others. :)
But I dare you to repost this.
And see what people ask you!
Comments are screened
Mar 10, 2009 18:59
I will not repost the whole list, as everyone else already has them up, but feel free to give me a character name for either meme #1 (the long one) or #2 (the short one) that are floating around and I'll respond.
Feb 12, 2009 18:59
Meme ganked from someone who ganked it from someone... you get the idea.
You may have seen the "6 Word Biography" meme, and in honor of Valentine's Day, I'd extend the challenge to your love life....can you sum up your love life in 6 words?
Mine would have to be:
Still alone, but not giving up.