
Nov 23, 2021 20:49

Elements Of Hebrew By An Inductive Method
William R. Harper, Ph. D.
Professor Or Semitic Languages In Tale University; Principal Of The Schools Of The American Institute Of Hebrew
Twelfth Edition, With Index.
New York :
Charles Scribner's Sons.

תָהַם ta-ham. Arab, تهم tahama. To be agitated, disturbed, tumultuous. As a n. m. s.
תְהוֹם An abyss, a deep, unfathomable place, the depth of the sea. Gen. 1: 2. Deut. 38: 13. Ps.
36: 7. Prov. 8: 17. Is. 51: 10. Ez. 27: 19. aff. וֹם f. p.

עָרַב   arav. 1 He, or it mixed, mingled, as light and darkness 2 was dark, dim, obscure as the evening, etc. ; 3 participated in, as joy, Prov. 14: 10; 4 negotiated, exchanged, bartered ;
5 was bondsman or security far ; 6 he united, intermingled, joined affinity with Ezra 9*. 2 ;
7 mortgaged, pledged, pawned ; 8 was pleasant, sweet, agreeable; 9 procured, purchased. Ez.
27: 9. 3. m. s. Pret. K. Gen. 44: 82. Jud. 19: 9. Ps. 104: 34. Prov. 20: 16. 6: 1. Jer. 31: 26. f. 6. Is. 24: 11. 2. f. s. Ez. 16: 37. pl. Jer. 6: 20. F. Ps. 104: 34. with נ epenth. Gen. 43: 9. pl. Job 9: 4. Imp. Ps. 119: 122. Job 17: 3. Inf. Jud. 19: 9. Pres. Part. Prov. 17: 16. pl. const. Ez. 27: 27. m. p. Prov. 22: 26. Hith. Inf. 2 Sam. 17: 16. Hith. pl. Ezra 9: 2. Is. 36: 8. F. Prov. 14: 10. 20: 19.
24: 21. pl. 1 convers. Ps. 106: 35. Imp. 2 K. 18: 23. Chald. Part. idem. Dan. 2: 42. As a n. m. 8. EREV The evening, which is a mixture of light and darkness. Gen. 1: 5. Hence, בֶּין הָעַרְבַּיִם Between the two evenings. The Jews reckoned two evenings to one day. The first began immediately after twelve o'clock, when the sun had declined toward the west ; the second, after the sun had set. The Paschal lamb was to be killed between (or in the middle of) the two evenings, i. e. at three o'clock in the afternoon, precisely the hour when Christ, our passover, was sacrificed for us. Exod. 12: 6. 1 Cor. 5: 7. Hence, עֹרֶב A raven or crow, because of its dark color. Lev. 11: 10. As a n. f. s. עַרֻבָה A pledge, surety, Prov. 17: 18, and מַעַרֶב Merchandise, m. s. Ez. 27: 27. Arab. araba. To recede, depart from, retire, withdraw, as light from darkness. Kimki, to confuse, confound, mix together, as two substances.

רָקַע ra-ka. 1 He spread out, expanded, as the firmament ; 2 beat out, made thin, as metals, Exod. 39: 3. Jer. 10: 9 ; 3 stamped as the foot, or was indignant. Ez. 6: 11 ; 4 covered, spread over as with gold, Is. 40: 19; 5 dispersed, scattered as enemies, 2 Sam. 22: 48. Hence, « I shall pound them as dust of the earth, - I shall tread them down as clay of the street, and I shall disperse them abroad." 8. m. s. Pret. K. occurs as a Pres. Part. m. s. Ps. 136: 6. Is. 42: 5. 44: 24. F. 2 Sam. 22: 43. Inf. with aff. ק, Ez. 25: 6. Imp. Ez. 6: 11. Pual. F. with נ epenth. Is. 40: 19. pi. 1 convers. Exod. 39: 3. Pual. Part. m. s. Jer. 10: 9. Hiph. F. Job 37: 18. As a n. m. s. רַקִיעַ The expanse, covering, curtain, firmament of heaven. Gen. 1: 4. 6: 7, 8. Ps. 19: 2. Ez. 1: 22. Job 37: 18. In Chald. Spotted, spangled, covered, Targ. Onk. on Gen. 30: 32. Targ. Jonath. on Jos.

חָֹשַׁךְ cha-shach. He obstructed, hindered, darkened, made obscure, reserved, 3. m. s. Pret. K. reg. Job 18, 3 or 5. Is. F.Eccles. 12: 2. Hiph. Amos 5: 8. F. Ps. 8: 10. 139: 12. Part. Job 38: 2. aff. וּ They, 3. c. p. תִּיPi I have 1. c.s.  ָה She, 8. f. s. As a n. m. s. חֹשֶׁךְ Darkness, obscurity, spiritual blindness, gross ignorance ; also, mean, low, base, vile, the regions of the dead, the blackness, or darkness of well as the Rabbins interpret it. Gen. 1, 2, 15, 12. Ps. 18: 29. Is. 50: 10. Prov. 22: 20. Jer. 23: 16. aff. ָה f. s. i his, י. my, ִים m. p. ַת f. s. const. Compare שָׁכָה שָׁכָב and שָׁכַךְ.

מְרַחֶפֶת merachepheth. He that diligently flutters, broods, moves. Part., in Pual. m. s. R. רָחַף.

רָחַף rachaph. 1 He, or it shook, trembled, as the bones; 2 fluttered, brooded over, as a bird ; 3 infused, imparted, as life and motion to inanimate creatures. 3. m. s. Pret. K. pl. Jer. 23: 9. Piail. Part. f. s. Gen. 1: 2. F. Deut. 32: 11. In the derivative, to adhere, cling, cleave to.


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