(no subject)

Aug 12, 2005 14:24

I had never been beaten so thoroughly. Even when Alexander 'punishes' me, he always stops just short of doing real damage. The pain is normally enough to make me regret any actions I took that provoked his anger. But this...this is being very exorbitant.

I hurt.

I have a hole in my chest that's losing blood quickly and there are leaves in my hair. Worse still, the sun is fast approaching and while the suntan is still upon me, an injury like this will make me all the more weak and vulnerable to the sunlight. Even robbed of his powers, I have no illusions that my doppelganger will be content to just let me go.

Boring, he called me. Bastard...I'll show him who's boring!

I'm not done with him just yet. Maybe for today...yes, today, I definitely need to make a retreat. But I'll be back! Like some moldy fungus, I shall be back!

Can't very well bat out like this. That takes far too much power from me. A direct teleportation would do it but I can't go that far and certainly not back to Alexander.

...Looks like I don't have much choice in the matter here. Hopefully, he'll be happy to see me!

Before I'm able to teleport fully, a stab of pain rips through my chest once again and I misjudge where I'm to end up and fall upon the steps of his shoddy apartment. The fall hurts but, of course, doesn't kill me. Which is a bit unfortunate because, at the moment, I WOULDN'T MIND DEATH!

I hurt.

I hurt a lot.

I think I'm whining and those people who are still out on the street don't even look twice at me. Ah, how I missed the niceties of humanity. Such sweet hospitality. I think I shall make a meal out of EACH and EVERY ONE of them!

With a great deal of effort, and knowing that no one is going to help me out here, I force myself to stand and hobble on into the apartment, ascending the stairs one by one and then being forced to crawl up them. My strength is waning quickly as is my blood. I need substance...more than that, I need to sleep.

Please, let him be awake! Let him be awake and have some blood on hand!

I don't dare to rise up until I get to his door and knock only once. I'm dizzy and feel far too drained to be healthy and only end up nearly collapsing on the floor when he opens the door.

"Selling girl scout cookies," is my greeting to him and I end up getting yanked up off the ground and a stake enters my chest.

Right through the hole that my impostor made.

On the other end of that stake stands my first father, looking beyond furious and yet...fearful? Yes, definitely fearful.

"I saw into your mind. You wanted to kill me."

"What? When? Is this about the whole bomb thing because that was a long time ago and-"

"Be quiet, Klaus! Why have you come here? What more do you want from me? Is it not enough that you rob me of my life and my dignity that now you have to come back for more perversions?"


"I thought we made ourselves clear on the whole robbing of life thing. Remember? I fear death. As for dignity, trust me, father. I spared you a lot of dignity by making you into one of us. Now, it'll save you the trouble of not making it to the bathroom on time."

"Don't make jokes! This isn't amusing, Klaus! What you did was terrible!"

Well, I thought it was funny. But I didn't know what the hell he was rambling about right now and my patience was quickly getting away from me. I needed blood and a safe place to curl up and sleep.

"I don't know what you're on about, father, but I can assure you that I haven't come here with any perversions. I'm here for help as you can plainly see!" I gesture to the stake, still wedged within the hole in my frickin' chest.

He looks at me for a very long while. "How did you get that? Sophie finally fight back?"

I can't help it. I have to laugh. "You think she'd be capable of such a thing? Hardly. I went to the castle to try and find her. Did you know that Greta had been turned into a zombie? No? Ah well. She had and I thought Sophie had done it so I went to see her and ended up finding another vampire who looks exactly like me. Same hair, same eyes, same voice, same clothes, same everything save that he doesn't seem to like me very much and ended up putting his whole goddamned hand through my bloody chest and it HURT A LOT and you're the only one I could come to because Alexander isn't in Luxembourg right now and I really need your help and I thought you might have some blood in stock around here because that'd help and you're a fellow vampire!"

Try saying all of that five times fast.

In any case, the explanation seemed to pacify him for the time being and the stake was summarily taken out of my chest.

"Very well."

He allowed me to lean on him as we went into his apartment. His couch looked inviting and, ignoring the strange smell upon it, I lay down. "You do have blood, right?"

"Yes. Not the kind you're used to, though."

"That's fine. Anything's fine right now."

I get handed a small glass of blood a few minutes later with him still watching me intently. Slowly, I take a sip of the liquid and immediately spit it back. "What the hell is this?"

"Blood from a steer."

"Tell me you're not living off this garbage!"

"I will not kill someone for their blood, Klaus. I will not sacrifice my beliefs just for my own survival."

"This isn't survival, father. This is torture." But right now, blood was blood and I had no access to any humans. Holding my nose, I downed the entire glass and handed it back to him. "This place is protected against the sunlight?"

He nodded. "Need anything else?"

"Just to sleep." Hopefully by morning, the wound would be closed and I'll be fine. Will probably have to get him a new couch anyway due to my blood getting all over this one. Doubt he'd mind since this one has an odd smell....

While Klaus slept, Gustav hurried himself with the writing of a note to Carolyn.


It has been several days since we last communicated. We must meet up quickly. I'm afraid Klaus has completely lost his mind. If he hasn't, then our problems may have doubled. I regret to write you under such circumstances, but it is most urgent that we meet. I have Klaus within my apartment here. He came to me with a terrible wound and told me the most illogical story.

On top of that, recently, I was captured by Klaus at Lucard's castle. Lucard was nowhere to be found but Klaus was there along with Sophie. He made her *inkblot*

I think Sophie has traded masters for she obeyed him completely, even doing the most despicable acts imaginable.

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