Nov 11, 2008 17:51
that after the sun born and settled, that planet mercury once might of been like earth? and after the sun got older and grew hotter and bigger, that it was enough to slowly start warm up mercury, after quite a long time... a grew and grew and began to warm up venus, venus began it's life form, mercury became a gas filled planet. then earth began to thaw out, land grew and seperated, venus became a gas planet, and mercury... well whatever it is now.
they say the device that went out to mars, has taken images and samples of planet mars soils and waters. some day life will begin to grow on that planet, our technology will advance so far ahead of us, we'll begin injecting things into people as they are born. identifications, banking records, hell they might even inject us with some kind of magnetic device in our finger tips so we can pretend we're jedi's and open doors, lol.
idk, i like to believe that there are other things out there, from other plantets, but i've always thought from far far away. but what if these 'aliens' or 'ufo's' are from just mercury and venus? wouldn't that be sweet? they say 'they' have been in contact with our goverments for the past 60 some years because they're interested in how fast we are advancing as a race. sweet... we'd be the next aliens someday, all have the same look, all have the same language...
ahhhhh shoot, i getta get ready for work... shit