Dec 11, 2004 15:49
Quote of the Entry:
"'Jesus, this thing is so dry!'"
- Bergels
Life's been pretty damn busy, but that's how it goes. You wanna die happy? Stay busy. In the long run, it works; trust me.
What's been going on in my life recently? Let's see... first off, Our Town ended a little while ago. A few of the things that made the show worth doing:
- Red Bull wall
- Hangin' out with some of my best friends
- Dave: "So it had been a few days, and I was in bed with the lights out, you know... you know..."
Me: "Reading?"
Dave: "Yeah, that's it, I was reading!"
- Check Your Fly
Good fun. Melissa, as I already told you, you did a great job as student director. I know it was hard for you, but you managed the job like a professional! Well done.
Marching Band ended at the beginning of November. I remember standing out in pre-game blocks, looking around at everyone in front of me in their blue-and-black uniforms and thinking, "This is the last time I'll ever see this again." Four years... I thought I had closed a chapter of my life that day.
But then Pep Band formed! That's like the epilogue to Chris' High School Marching Band story -- a little add-on just for kicks. The basketball team actually WINS, ALL THE TIME, so the games are much more fun. Plus, more often than not Burkhart doesn't show up, so the Louie, Louie solo goes to me. Hot ass. I love Pep Band.
I've been doing... okay in school. I aced AP Lit and AP Calc the first quarter, and I had an A- in AP Gov, but I got a B+ in AP Mechanics. Dude, I wish it was all my fault, 'cause then I could completely fix the problem. But the fact of the matter is that Mr. Folmar just plain isn't as good as Mr. Scheidly. Classes are boring, no one really pays attention... most of us are going to be fucked by the time the AP test rolls around, four months after we finish the class.
Fuck you, SHS Administration.
AP Literature and Composition is the best class I have this year. Why is that?
...Probably because of the classmates. Notably Steve Iatesta, Jenna Werley, and Jono... we are awesome. Except for Steve, who has been excommunicated for not having AIM and thus not being able to hook up a chat room with me and Jenna about the essay the three of us had to do... *shakes fist at 'Step-Hen'*
I want to get into Columbia, and find a way to pay for it. Applications are ready to be sent out, so it's time to spin the wheel.
Enough of that.
Grease! We learned the dance combo on Friday afternoon. Someone at the rehearsal -- was it Drew or Bergels? -- made a pretty good analogy: the dance combo was like jumping into cold water. Takes getting used to (I fudged the combo most of the Friday practice, and only really started to get it right at the end), but not too hard. I'm supposed to sing Greased Lightning for the singing audition part. Auditions are Tuesday, callbacks Wednesday. I'm gonna go out for Danny and Kernickie. I really, really hope that if I manage to get a lead role during my senior year, it's now.
But at this point in time in my life, if I don't get a good part... well, it happens, so fudge it. I'd probably do the chorus anyway, just for the social network you get in big-cast musicals.
Either way, you can bet your bottom [...dollar] that I'm gonna try hard at these auditions, maybe even harder than I tried at the Godspell ones. Do my best, so I've no regrets.
Hahahah...pinky rings... *shakes head and winces*
On Friday night, there was a game party at the Pawloski's. Tim, Matt, Bergels, Drew, and I were there, along with Andrew and ('cause they had nowhere else to hang out) Kim and Val. Family Guy, then Dodgeball, then Texas Hold 'Em, then planning... it was a blast. Thanks again for hosting, Tim!
Woke up this morning, and I was feeling particularly lazy, so I started to read America: The Book (that government textbook satire by Jon Stewart). The thing you should know is, I covered it with a brown paper bag, like a real textbook, intending to slip it into AP Gov over the next several weeks to get some real "learning" done (I absolutely HATE that class). So I was reading it in bed, and Mom came in, glanced down, saw the covered book, and said, "Oh, I'm so glad you're doing homework! I was going to ask you to help with chores, but if you're busy with homework, that's fine, you just keep at it."
Hahahah, all~right. Gotta love doing "homework" to get out of chores. =)
Came downstairs, vacuumed a bit 'cause I felt bad about bailing out of work completely, and pumped some iron.
Shut up.
Then, Matt and Bergels showed up, closely followed by Tim. We were waiting for the fifth member, but he "had a thing," so we went on without him. BeSo Squad Cafe was first.
After eating 2 cows (est. 1 cow = 5 Roast Beef sandwiches) between the four of us, we went over to the park for a bit. Call it a going-away present.
Now I'm back home, with a quart of gasoline left in my car, having had one of the greatest times in my life. I'm chilling out and trying to motivate myself to read Shakespeare.
Shakespeare is an ape. They say if you put a bunch of apes into a room with a typewriter, eventually they'll punch out all of Shakespeare's works. Well, God put a bunch of apes on Earth, and they've been writing for a few thousand years. One of them punched out all of Shakespeare's works (albeit a little ahead of schedule.)
Therefore, Shakespeare is a dirty monkey.
Alright, I'ma wrap this entry up like Wawa's Southwest Chicken. Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone. I'll probably write more in the near future (i.e. this coming Friday =P ).
Rock On.
--- Klanecks