Nov 05, 2004 18:23
By popular demand I am posting this in my LJ, I don't really know why I enjoy public ridicule, oh well...
So Will was talking to this pervert online and just fooling around with him saying he was really a 14 year old girl...and the 20 year old pervert wanted to fuck poor Willy. Sick. On. So. Many. Levels. Annnyway this lead to a very interesting conversation...
Will says: Oh ya, he’s into scat too
Kasia: aint nothing wrong with that
Kasia: but it sickens me that people like him would like something that is actually good and cool
Will: never talk to me again
Kasia: pfffft
Kasia: if you knew how much skill it took you would appreciate, trust me
Will: excuse me while I vomit up my alcohol
Kasia: its vocal improv, which can be harder than with an instrument
Will: scat as in scat porn LMAO
Kasia: WTF? lol!
Kasia: wtf is scat porn?!
And then I was enlightened. Ignorance is bliss.