Jan 03, 2008 17:29
Hello all,
I am back in Irvine now. It is nice to be at my own home even if it is in Irvine. I have been home all day trying to get motivated to get stuff done. I completed all of the tasks that I have that have a deadline this morning and have been bumming around all afternoon trying to get started working. I have read every internet forum I know, seen several episodes of Firefly. The only productive thing I have done all afternoon is get a good portion of the dishes done. Why is it always hard to get started doing tasks when you have all the time in the world???
Oh well, Steph and I took public transit to her work yesterday and biked the five miles back. It was a nice ride. Of course my bike is now being stupid with a dead back tire but we will get that fixed tomorrow. I can't wait for the quarter to start. I am ready to get this most difficult quarter over with. I am excited for the material and ready to have the quals finished and decide on a specialty.
That is about all I have to say at the moment. Well I guess that I am going to actually go out and get some stuff done now. I will talk to all y'all later and it was really nice to see y'all over the break.
Hope all are well and I will try to write again soon.