Tell Me Lies, Chapter 5

Nov 11, 2009 23:27

Title: Tell Me Lies
Rated: T
Genre: Angst/Romance
Summary: Wolfram decided that the lies were better as he walked away from Gisela. He prefered being lied to than getting his heart broken.

Find Chapter One Here
Find Chapter Two Here
Find Chapter Three Here
Find Chapter Four Here

Disclaimer: I do not own Kyou Kara Maoh! or any of its characters, at all.

Gwendal was out walking in the garden, taking pleasure in the refreshingly clean smell of the flowers.


Gwendal turned towards the shout and instantly recognized the length of snowy gray hair and the pale skin.

“Tamotsu?” He asked incredulously. “What on earth are you doing here?”

“For some odd reason Gisela asked me to come back.”

Gwendal suddenly caught on; there was only one reason why the healer would do that.

He smirked. It seemed that the whole Yuri issue was going to be solved quicker than he thought, fantastic.


“Tamotsu!” Gisela greeted enthusiastically.

“Hey there sis,” he said affectionately, rumpling her hair and giving her a peck on the cheek.

“How are you? How have you been? Have you missed me much? Doesn’t the castle look nice?..” The questions tumbled out of Gisela’s lips, one after the other in a race of who could get said the earliest.

“I’m fine, I’ve been fine, and I haven’t missed you a bit.” Tamotsu teased and gave her a playful wink.

Gisela mock-pouted and continued her barrage of questions as they made their way through the castle.


Tamotsu turned and saw Cecile.

“Cheri! How have you been?”

“I’ve been fine.”

“And my father?” Tamotsu inquired.

“Gunter has been doing well.”


“Stay put,” she ordered as he was about to move forward and give her a hug. He did as she asked and she proceeded to see how he’d changed over the years.

Tamotsu looked like a carbon copy of his father. He had the same long gray hair, the same build, and same smiling face. The only difference was his eyes, which were such a dark blue that they could be mistaken for black.

“You’ve grown into a man while we weren’t looking.” Cecile teased as she moved to give him his promised hug.

Their laughter filled the castle as they kept moving down the corridors in a search for Tamotsu’s rooms.

It was just like old times.


“You’ve got to ask your questions so now it’s time for me to ask mine.” Tamotsu declared after being thoroughly interrogated about how he’d spent the past seven years.

Gisela gave a nod and slid a wicked grin towards Cecile. It was time to put their plan in action.

“Fire away.”

“Where to start, where to start...” Tamotsu mused. “Mmm... How about this new Maoh? How do you like him?”

“He’s very kind,” Cheri began, “He treats all his subjects kindly and always tries to avoid conflict. But-” Cecile hesitated.

“But?” Tamotsu prodded.

“But he treats his fiancé badly.”

“Fiancé? He has a fiancé?”

Gisela nodded. “You know him, it’s Wolfram.”

“Wolfram?” Tamotsu questioned incredulously. Passionate, headstrong Wolfram allowed someone to treat him badly? He didn’t believe it, couldn’t believe it. The Wolfram he knew would never let anyone treat him badly, much less his fiancé; what on earth had happened to his best friend?

“Where is he?” Tamotsu suddenly demanded.

“He’s probably in his rooms,” Cecile said.

Tamotsu gave her a short nod of thanks and turned to stride out of the room. He had a best friend to knock some sense into.

When they were sure he’d fully left the room, Gisela and Cecile gave each other a short high-five and exchanged grins. If there was anyone on the planet that could change Wolfram’s mind, it was Tamotsu.


A/N- It's short again. I tried to make it longer, really. Also, for those of you who didn't really get it: Tamotsu is Gunter's son and Gisela's adoptive brother.

Tamotsu translates to something around defender or protector; I thought it would be a fitting name for this lovely OC.

As always, please remember to review and let me know if there are any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise.

author - dessertgirl, fanfiction

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