Tell Me Lies, Chapter 3

Oct 27, 2009 15:34

Title: Tell Me Lies
Rated: T
Genre: Angst/Romance
Summary: Wolfram decided that the lies were better as he walked away from Gisela. He prefered being lied to than getting his heart broken.

Find Chapter One Here
Find Chapter Two Here

Disclaimer: I do not own Kyou Kara Maoh! or any of its characters, at all.
“Just breathe,” Wolfram mumbled to himself as he stared, transfixed, at the event that was currently taking place in the courtyard.

Apparently, Gisela had reached her limit and had decided that it was time to confront Yuri. She’d cornered him earlier and was now trying to talk to him.

He shook his head lightly before turning and banging it against a window.

Why was she doing this? It wasn’t her problem, it was his, did she not trust him or something? Wolfram sighed again before turning back towards the confrontation.


“You asshole,” Gisela hissed as she stalked towards Yuri.

This was it, she had had it. This little farce had gone on long enough. She waited, Wolfram waited, hell, the whole freaking court had waited for Yuri to fess up. But, it seemed that the little bastard had no intention of coming clean.

So, if he wasn’t going to do it willingly she was going to do it her way, the forceful way.

She smirked. This was gonna be fun.


“Gisela?” Yuri asked incredulously.

What the heck did she want from him, and why did she look like she was about to eat him or something?

She pinned him along one of the walls of the courtyard.

“You. Are. A. Bastard.” She hissed quietly so that no one could hear them, punctuating every word with a harsh jab to his chest.

Whoa. What had gotten her panties in a twist?

“What the hell are you doing jerking my best friend around? You’re lucky to even have him, you miserable excuse for a Maoh.”

Oh. That.


Wolfram wasn’t the only one watching; Gwendal was also observing the spectacle from the privacy of his own office.

He smiled. Yuri better thank his lucky stars that Gisela was around to stage her little intervention, because if she hadn’t already done it he would of.

Yuri was irredeemable in his eyes. He didn’t care who did it, Maoh or no Maoh no one hurt his little brother and got away with it.


Yuri decided to go with the oblivious card.

“What are you talking about?” He asked in a questioning tone, scrunching up his face in a vaguely questioning manner.

“I’m talking about you and your not-so-secret affair with that bitch of yours.”

Yuri looked affronted.

“Bitch?” He asked. His voice was slowly getting higher, “wait. You couldn’t possibly mean-Adrianna?”

Gisela answered with only a mocking nod.

“Look, I don’t know what lies Wolfram has been spewing to you, bu-“

Gisela completely lost it.


Out of nowhere Wolfram appeared and quickly whisked Gisela away before she would start with death threats.


“Gisela, what the hell were you thinking? He’s the Maoh. You cannot go around threatening to kill the Maoh. They could arrest you for treason or something, regardless of who your adoptive father is-Gisela? Are you even listening to me?” Wolfram demanded once they reached his rooms.

Gisela had her face twisted to the side and was currently glaring at the wall and panting hard.


She jumped.

“What?” She demanded in a petulant tone.

Wolfram managed to overcome the urge to sigh; it seemed that when Gisela got really angry she started to behave like a child.

“Gisela. What. The. Hell. Were. You. Thinking?” He asked slowly while drawing out the syllables as if talking to a child.

“He accused you of lying.” She said quietly, staring down at her shoes.

“Gisela, it’s fine. Really.”

“No it’s not Wolfram, and somewhere deep down you know it too. It’s not okay to be lied to like this. You’ve done nothing wrong here Wolf, you gave it your all. That little bastard is the only one lying here, and when I get my hands on him...”

“Gisela,” Wolfram interjected before she could get started on the death threats again, “I’m a big boy. I can handle this on my own.”

Gisela looked up at him doubtfully.

“Look. If it makes you happy I’ll go talk to him or something.”

Gisela narrowed her eyes. “You’re not going to just talk to him or something; you are going to ask him what the hell he thinks he’s doing cheating on you and demand he leave that Adrianna-or whatever the hell her name is.”

Wolfram sighed again. This was slowly escalating into something he really didn’t want to deal with.

“Gisela, you don’t understand. I can’t ask him to do that.”

Gisela’s eyes flashed with sudden understanding.

“You’re afraid that he’ll leave you, that he’ll choose her over you.” She mused aloud.

Wolfram turned his head away, his bangs falling over his eyes, and gave a short nod.

Gisela didn’t know what to say. How do you make someone stop loving someone else?

“Fine.” She said sullenly. “I’ll let him go for now, but I will find a way to make him pay. He won’t stay in your heart much longer if I have anything to say about it.”

Wolfram knew that this was the only deal he would be able to make with the headstrong female and gave another short nod of acceptance.


A/N- I was under the impression that you all were going to vote Yuuram. Clearly, I was wrong, and I somehow made my comment section look like an Anti-Yuri zone which is totally alright with me because  sometimes I have to suppress the urge to just kill off the kid.

Thank you for all your input. I didn’t realize how vague my ending was until I read some of the comments, so you may find some of your suggestions embedded in the plot. Also, I’m not answering any of the suggestions because I’m trying not to give any more of the plot away.

On a parting note I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore all the reviewers (and the lurkers). So, yeah. Thanks. I get this lovely tingly feeling when I’m greeted by e-mails telling me that people commented on my story.

As always, please remember to review and let me know if there are any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise.

author - dessertgirl, fanfiction

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