Episode 109: Quitting as Maou

Jan 23, 2010 15:43

I don’t see 108 up yet but it’s my day sooooooooooo.

I’m posting. :P

If you need to watch the episode, go here!

Screencaps are not mine. They came from here!

Episode 109: Quitting as Maou

So the episode begins with Yuuri having transformed and Sara gasping and exclaiming over how awesome he is.

Murata and Shori are kinda pissed that he just wants to use Yuuri for his power. Honestly? You guys should have seen this coming a long time ago.

Sara wants Yuuri to create a new world with him, and Yuuri just kinda stands there as the Maou being pissed. Shori grabs him so they can get him out of there…

… and Murata asks for Shinou’s help in teleportation.

Shinou ends up transporting Shori and Yuuri to Earth, while just bringing Murata back to the Great Demon Kingdom.

Yuuri wakes up at home while his family is eating downstairs.

He jumps into the bath and tries to go back to the other world, but he used too much power before and won’t be able to do it quite yet. Shori doesn’t want him to worry about it all right now. Yuuri’s been out for three days and needs to get his strength back. They’ll figure something out later.

Back in the Great Demon Kingdom, the Aristocrats are having a discussion about what just happened. Waltorana’s pretty angry. They’d already mobilized their fleet and were prepared to go into battle with Big Cimaron before Yuuri decided to go out there and turn Maou on them. Waltorana would have liked to be notified.

As much as I question the power of the Aristocrats sometimes, I can understand Waltorana’s anger here. A heads up would have been nice.

Outside, Wolfram’s being emo because Yuuri hasn’t come back yet.

Dakaskos comes up and suggest that he go riding and practice his swordplay, but Wolfram doesn’t want to. He comes across Greta tending to his mother’s flowers.

There’s a new one. ‘Filled with Yuuri’s Naiveté.’ They all agree that it’s a fitting flower because it’s cheering and Yuuri is always cheering everyone up.

In Japan, Rodriguez is wandering around thinking about all the awesome anime stuff he just bought.

He sees Yuuri falling into a fountain and goes to see if he’s okay.

After checking him out, Rodriguez surmises that Yuuri’s completely fine and his magic is back to normal, so there must be some other reason why he’s not able to go back to the other world.

So, now that all else has failed, he takes him to Bob.

Bob pretty much tells him that because he’s so emo, it’s affecting his magic and he’s not able to go back.

After that, Yuuri thinks about Sara and how he betrayed him even though they were friends.

Boo hoo hoo.

Out at sea in the other world, Sara and Berias are discussing current events. Conrad has escaped from Small Cimaron and Big Cimaron’s fleet is pretty much done for. Sara then decides its time to go home.

Back on Earth, Yuuri returns to his house to be presented with flowers from the other world by his mother.

Greta, the Shrine Maidens, Murata and Shinou are tossing flowers into the fountain and sending them to Earth.

Really good, guys. Trying to woo your king with flowers. That totally works.

Not. Considering Yuuri just tosses them back at his mom and runs upstairs like a brat.

Shori goes up to talk to him. He knows it’s Sara that’s bothering Yuuri and that his brother is feeling bummed out because he’d trusted him and ended up getting his feelings hurt.

Seriously, Yuuri. Get over it. I mean, really.

Shori leaves and time changes. Yuuri isn’t in his clothes anymore but his pajamas, and it’s morning. He wakes up in his bed. He goes downstairs and is confused that his parents look a bit older than they did the day before.

He asks where Shori is. Miko turns the TV on, and we see an older Shori giving an interview as governor of Tokyo.

Surprise, Yuuri! You’re magically older.

And you have work, so you’d better get out of there! You don’t want to be late!

On his way to work, Yuuri gets a message from Shori telling him to meet him for lunch.

They meet up in the employee cafeteria and Yuuri tries to talk to Shori about the Great Demon Kingdom, but Shori just thinks he’s talking about a video game.

Once he’s home, Yuuri looks through a photo album. Apparently, in this reality he has other friends aside from Murata, because there are pictures of them in there. And no Murata.

Yuuri tries to call him, but the number isn’t in service.

So Yuuri begins to go through the motions of having a normal life and wonders if it’s really so bad. His parents are normal, his brother is normal, he’s normal, he has a normal job, he gets yelled at for screwing up at his normal job…

And he still lives at home with his parents.


You are so lame, Yuuri.

Don’t start to wonder why you don’t have a girlfriend in this alternate reality, because I can answer that for you very easily.

Mama still has to tie your tie for you, which she does one morning while he’s getting ready to go to work again. As she’s doing that, Yuuri spies a vase of flowers from the other world.

They’re dead, and Miko’s about to take them out when Yuuri stops her and suddenly recites all their names, except the last one, which is dead on the floor.

Miko finishes it for him, though, and Yuuri decides he’s had enough of moping around and this normal life isn’t for him. He’s going to go back to the other world!

Yuuri drags Shori to the fountain in the park where they meet up with Bob, though Shori still has no idea what’s going on. Bob warns Yuuri that he might be hurt again, but Yuuri doesn’t care. He can handle it. He’s done being emo.

So Bob snaps his fingers and Yuuri wakes up in his own time, back in his room where it’s dark. Shori says he missed dinner and was shouting in his sleep. Yuuri decides it’s time to go.

Bob and Rodriguez briefly discuss Yuuri. Bob wants Yuuri to succeed or whatever.

Go, Yuuri!

And stuff…

Yuuri and Shori end up back at Shinou’s temple, where Greta, Ulrike, Murata and Shinou are there to greet them.

Shori blames Murata for sending them back to Earth while he alone was in the Great Demon Kingdom, but Shinou jumps in and said it was all his own doing. Yuuri’s ready to get back into the swing of things either way.

Murata ends the episode by saying there have been some developments in his absence.

My Thoughts

I feel like this was another episode that could have just been left out completely and it wouldn’t have messed with the plot at all. Yuuri seems to have a lot of these instances, where he goes completely emo and needs to be cheered up by other people and needs to re-convince himself that he wants to be the king in the other world.

It was kinda cute to see him all grown up, though. He makes a rather plain/average looking adult, but his awkwardness is still somewhat adorable.

Now for him to find out what’s been going on since he went away.

Next episode: Episode 110 hosted by teef_chan!
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