
Jan 12, 2010 23:20

First off, I am so, so, sorry for being such a fail mod the past week, I was so off with everything the entire week. BUT. within the next day or so I will hopefully be back in the groove and I will go back to being on your back if you're late with an episode! <- This is a warning so you don't follow my horrid example of the past week.

Episode 101 will be up at some point tomorrow and I'll do episode 105 as well so that will probably go up soon after.

parsnip_chan, maybe you were waiting for the other episodes to go up, but you can go ahead and put 104 up and 101 will just be behind.

Week 11:
Episode 104 - Sunday-Monday, January 10th-11th - hosted by parsnip_chan
Episode 105 - Tuesday-Thursday, January 12th-14th Teef_chan
Episode 106 - Friday-Saturday, January 15th-16th - hosted by parsnip_chan

Next open episode: Episode 111 - Tuesday-Thursday, January 26th-28th needs someone to take it up!

And again, I'm really sorry for being a horrid mod lately.

s3 week 11, mod post, schedule, reminder

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