(no subject)

Jan 13, 2010 00:18

I am so sorry 103 got ahead!! I was waiting for 101 and well...103 got posted already.

Episode 102: The Chosen One

If you need to watch the episode, check out this post (community locked) for information!

Screencaps came from here

So, without further adieu, here's the reason as to why they're rescuing you-know-who in 103.

We open the episode with El crying in the arms of a running man and  Shori chasing after them.

On to the next scene, Yuuri is busy talking with Murata.

Yuuri comments about the kohi being all worked up.

Hube stares up, then runs. Nicola follows. And so do those other two.

They then arrive at the place where they left Shori and El.

Yuuri comments on the state of the Kohi.

Poor, poor kohi. Let's get you fixed up soon~

Oh no! What's that on the ground?

...It's El's stuff toy!

Nicola is shocked. And so is Hube.

Yuri notices that even Shori is gone.

Murata sees something else on the ground and picks it up. What is it?

It's...a White Crows boomerang(tm)!

Murata then tells Yuuri, loudly, that it wasn't robbery. He says their goal this time is kidnapping.

Tsk tsk. You guys should know not to say those kinds of things in front of mothers...

Hube runs off on a horse, swearing he would bring El back.

Hold it. Title screen.

We continue to see Shori running after those guys who took El.

Oh look, they're stuck at the bridge 'coz the kohis only got to them now.

Janus looks on from above.

Oh lookie here, Hube arrives and fights those kidnappers!

Hey, wait, what's that that spilled out? Is it blood? Or did their clothes shred off because that thing looks black.
And, isn't it a little too odd how Hube can easily defeat those guys? (Sorry, they didn't have a picture with the black thing actually coming out)

It's amazing how he can defeat them with one stroke! Tsk, tsk. If I were to pay people to kidnap a kid, I'd probably get one who knew how to defend himself. Goodness, they're like, what, more than six?

The guy holding El prepares to the ropes on the bridge loose.

Two other guys charge at Hube and the one holding El finally cuts the rope. But Hube can jump higher than those two, so he leaps over them.

He even steps on the other one. What a bunch of losers! They couldn't even try to hit Hube.

Hube is about to slice that one person holding El when Janus interupts and blows him away. That wind must've been very strong to send Hube back to the other end of the bridge (that is no longer there).

As that person holding El runs off, we see a water dragon-thing grab him.

Oh lookie, the maou has arrived!!

Oh wait, it's not the maou, it's his brother...

Glowing glasses are not a good sign.

The dragon-thing sucks El out of the arm of the one holding him and a Kohi grabs him.

Yuuri and Murata arrive.

Their horse must not like water.

They stare in awe at Shori.Janus notices Murata and vice versa. 

They safely retrieve El. He is laughing while Shori holds him.

Hube takes this chance to touch his baby.

Just as he reaches out for El, El starts to cry.  Ouch.

Nicola is happy to finally have El back.

Hube, looking all emo, comments that he has "no right to live in happiness". Why's that? Because of what happened in the war? Dude, get over it already!

He even comments that his hands are dirty (then wash it!) and that he can't even think of touching someone he loves with such dirty hands.

The two brothers are shocked. Nicola walks toward him. Grabbing his hand and telling him not say such selfish things. (I guess dirty hands aren't a problem to her).

She also states that she knows what he had done in the past and that he has a very dangerous job now and also, he doesn't tell her anything about it to not worry her. But she chose to be with him, (so she'll just bear it).

Hey, this could work as a good enough family pic!

Yuuri comments that they don't need to meddle anymore. (that's good. if you meddle, things get worse) Shori agrees.

Murata comments that that's the way marriage should be. Good Murata, you know not to meddle. He even comments that they're a match for Yuri's parents.

But Yuri says his parants aren't that romantic. (Oh, come on now, Yuuri). And changes the topic.

He wonders why the White Crows are after El.

Yuuri shares the information he knows about the White Crows.

Murata comments that it's clear that El is who they are after now. And that it's dangerous to remain there. (Where do you want? Blood pledge castle? Heck, Hube could probably fend off the white crows better than the guards in the castle, seriously)

Oh, hey, I was right. He does say to stay in Blood Pledge castle and Yuuri states that if they're there, they'll get protected. Yeah...right. (They do have ace security)

Conrad and Wolfram arrive and Yuuri greets them.

Wolfram calls Yuuri a wimp and says that no matter how many times he comes, his arrival. Oh, shoot. Wolfram was cut off.

By Yuuri (who looks all dazed and dorky)

Who comments that they got there faster than he expected.

And with another one of his smiles, he states that he really missed Wolfram. Man, Yuuri, you really know how to make Wolfram stop calling you a wimp.

Wolfram is shocked. Conrad doesn't look happy.

And Yuuri adds that he really missed Conrad, too.

And also adds that this way, they'll really have a safe journey.

Conrad is confused.

Shori comes out and says that he has a request.

-Commercial break-

They set out to head back to Blood Pledge Castle (probably).

Yuuri comments that it's awfully foggy. Good observation!

But Nicola says it's normal.

Shori says that since there's a deep fog and a single road with no escape, it would be a perfect time to attack.

Murata then comments that they wouldn't be attacked since their attackers wouldn't also have an escape. He asks if Shori is scared.

Yuuri comments that Shori doesn't like haunted houses, especially the ones where things jump out.

El likes what he saw.

Murata comments that Shori has a cute side, too. (hmm, kinda weird hearing a guy say that to another guy but since this is kkm, not unusual)

Shori says that Yuuri shouldn't shoot out stuff like that.

But Yuuri gives him a 'phbbbt'

El cries.

Yuuri tries that peek-a-boo thing and El cries some more.

Shori notices something and tells them to all stop.

Of course, they ask why.

Shori says that before El was taken by the white crows, he suddenly began to cry.

They all look around.

Nicola says an "um" and we see everyone outside the carriage.

Murata comments on Shori having a unique viewpoint. Yuuri laughs (sounds a little fake)

Nicola says thank you and that she's done changing El's diaper.

Conrad then speaks. "Everyone get in the carriage again and let's get going". (Of course that's not what he really said but that was his point.)

They take a break by the lake. Nicola and El are playing by the water. Murata and Yuuri are sitting down on the grass. Everyone else is just standing.

Hey, this looks like a possible pose for a superhero trio thing.

Conrad sends out one of those messenger doves and says that if things continue like this, they'll be in the castle before nightfall.

Wolfram comments about Conrad being too cautious.

Shori then says something about unpreparedness being fatal.

Murata comments that Shori is starting to sound like a maou, too. (Is it because he's giving a speech?)

Yuuri says that Bob's been relying on Shori lately.

Murata comments that Yuuri will have to live up to it too.

Yuuri goes on about how he's not as smart as Shori.

But that's the only thing a king has to have, says Murata. Retainers can lend their strengths, too. (Yeah, but, the retainers don't seem all that strong...IMO). Well, Murata goes sentimental and he notices it.

Now, to Shinou's temple.

Hey, look, there's Shinou!

And he looks like he's sleeping meditating. But then he suddenly wakes up opens his eyes.

Ulrike notices something and asks Shinou what's wrong.

Shinou says that he was dreaming. Dreaming of sad memories from before. And that he'd forgotten them.

We catch a glimpse of Janus. And, ooh, there are small glowing  thingies coming out of him.  Also, he's actually watching Shinou's temple from atop a cliff. Probably reminiscing.

El starts crying again while on their way back to Shin Makoku.

The soldiers pull out their swords as the enemy approaches.

Conrad says that they'll break the group apart and everyone in the carriage go back to Shin Makoku.

Yuuri says he'll fight, too. (Oh come on, Yuuri, what good can you do?)

Conrad tells him no. His role is to get El safely to the castle. That's good thinking Conrad.

The soldiers charge.

Two white crow members jump out of their horses and do a (kamehameha...oh wait, wrong show...but they've done it so much, so maybe they're fans?) houjutsu attack in a Mazoku country.

Wolfram says to leave it to him. And he attacks them with his fire magic. Ooh, they get through. Good Wolfie.

Oh noes! More pop out from underground. And they've got boomerangs!

Poor driver

But the boomerangs pass through without hitting him. Lucky guy.

Shori breaks the carriage doors and slides out and tumbles away. And uses his majutsu!

Hey, he manages to hit those guys!

YUuri calls after his brother.

Shori is surrounded because more guys pop out! Oh no!

Shori continues to attack the white crows because he won't let them touch Yuuri or El.

After his attack, Janus comes out and comments that he has powerful maryoku, no doubt.  And he's honored that Shori knows his name.

He notices that Shori isn't used to using his Maryoku yet. Probably becuase Shori is panting alot (and am I using the right word?) He asks if Shori is alright.

Everyone else rides back to Shin Makoku. Seems like no one was hurt.

Turns out an escort from the castle arrived and picked up Yuuri and co.

Yuuri is shocked. Shori isn't with them.

Conrad suggests to go back and search for Shori and they do.

Janus tells Shori the maryoku isn't infinite thing. You all probably know what hapens when overused, right?

He states that he doesn't want to fight Shori and what he wants is Shori's power. They want to borrow his power. Janus removes his hood.

Shori is shocked to see face. Does it look familiar?

We then see Daikenja's portrait in blood pledge castle.

We end the episode with Shori fainting.

My Thoughts:
Well, I'm a little new with this so I'm sorry if I'm not so good at it. And again, I apologize for being late.
Anyways, this episode wasn't all that enjoyable for me. Just slightly. I think I sort of prefer filler episodes more than the actual plot-related ones.
My best friend's constant criticizing of the fighting scenes affected me, that's why I don't enjoy them that much.
Like hey, there are a lot of the enemy and only a few of our heroes and yet our heroes come out without a single scratch and they even defeated the enemy with one blow. :|

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