Maiden of Love
First, i'm not as funny as the others before me. I apologize for my fail in advance.
On with the episode!
(Which, if you need to dl it, it's
here, community locked, of course)
*Note: Kumahachi=bearbees. I use the japanese term.
WTH Gwen, WTH?
Oh, Greta thinks it's a mouse. cute!
she even gives him a kiss for it. d'awww <3
except... It's a squirrel OTL. I wonder if he made the actual cute ones behind him or if those are ones he aspires to make...
anyway, TITLE: Maiden of Love
Gwendal's known for not letting people in his room. Gunter thought he had a harem, I forget what Josak thought, but this time, the maids just think he's up to something.
Anyway, time to work on castle reconstruction! (don't remember why, but probably cuz of kumahachi) and look how awesome Dacascos is delegating duties ^_^ Finally he's not being abused.
anyway, look at the pretty tablet on the wall~~ Gunter's amazed (when isn't he?), but anyway it's 4000 years old. Not sure what's so awesome about a plain image of a woman and a kumahachi, all i can think of is the painting from
RahXephon with a creature added in
True to Dacoscos form, he comes rushing in because there's a problem! Anyone surprised? I'm not.
Anyway, there's a cocoon under the floorboards! Does this mean more Kumahachi to love?? They say it's pink, but it looks rather purple to me. This further suggests more evidence to my theory that the Japanese are colorblind
Wolf seems to want to hatch this one with the same love that hatched the other ones (ep 18 i believe? It's the current chapters in the manga) Yuuri seems less than excited. Gunter and Conrad offer their love to help hatch it too. Gwen is resisting bursting out into fits of 'zomgcute~!'
back at Shinou Shrine...
Muraken might know something... Because for some reason he's full of random information when it's important. He needs to stop hoarding his info. But anyway, the story is about the pink cocoon that comes around every millenia or so. Ulrike's heard the stories, but she's only 800 years old. Not quite old enough to have seen it before.
does this look like an 800 year old to you? (cuz i'm thinking maybe 400)
anyway, Shinou really needs to stop being spooky and just showing up. It just makes him seem like a creeper. But Ulrike doesn't care as she continues to fangirl him. as he's there.
Who's desk is this you ask....
Surprise! Not Gunter's! Gwen's reading like a information sponge. Anyway, he seems to be getting a love letter from Gurie-chan~. I wonder what it's all about!
Awww, it's from Josak~~ Seems Gwen was worried about something and Josak did what he does best! He found out that the dragons are acting a bit out of sorts and doing bad things. Even though they're endangered, people aren't happy about their crops being toasted.
He seems to be having a hard time climbing to the nest, but he's Josak, he can conquer the world!
But it doesn't seem like normal behavior. I mean, look at Pochi! or liesel or whatever it was that Wolf wanted to name it. IT'S POCHI CORNSORNIT!
But because the animals are going a bit loony, Gisela has to deal with hurt soldiers.
I can't imagine a vortex of engiwaru (bad omen) birds is a good sign...
Anyway, according to MuraKen, it's because of the cocoon that the animals are going bezerk. They'll keep this up until they hatch and sacrifice the kumahachi to the dragons. what I want to know is HOW THE HECK DID THEY GET THAT OUT OF THE BASEMENT WITHOUT KILLING IT?
Anyway, Gwen reads an old book, finds some similarities between Josak's report and what's in the book. Seems like lots of animals are getting crazy, and all sorts of doom is pending.
Anyway, discussion of what to do ensues.
It's moments like this where I wonder if people are up to MuraKen's schnanigans. But Muraken looks more ashamed... What did Muraken do and what does Gunter know... hmmm curious....
Anyway, angry wolf is angry! He is very "NO" about sacrificing the Kumahachi.
Conrad's been very quiet this episode. I can't help but wonder if he's up to no good too.
But a decision has to be made, after all DAGRONS ARE BURNINATING THE VILLAGE!
Sorry, this makes me LOL pretty hard. Really Gwen? Really? AND WHAT ON SHIN MAKOKU IS THAT PURPLE THING?
Wolf's the lone protector of a brightly glowing jelly bean!
Dragons are still causing issues, so Mullet Maou comes out and decides to sacrifice the cocoon.
Again, this cap is for the lolz. (there's a few of these)
And this one too.. wth were the animators doing? I think it was 'let's make gunter have ridiculous faces in this ova' OVA.
So Conrad finally gets a few sentences to say, Gunter makes more ridiculous faces, Muraken's glasses continue to shine... Though the reality is that Conrad had another really really bad pun, Gunter's face explains just how bad it was, but what worries me is that MuraKen found it funny AND made his own OTL.
Back to actual story. So Maou was like "Feed Dragons the jelly bean!" But Gwen will have none of this nonsense. because he's gwen, and wants to see cute things.
I think he got another wrinkle...
But gwen's speech moves the cocoon emotionally, and it blows up hatches. I'm bummed out about the lack of Kujira's voice on such a cute thing saying "nogisu."
So wolf's all wowed by it, until it flies towards the dragons, where he protests. Gwen wants to save the cute thing, but i'm wondering how an EARTH user makes a TORNADO. last i checked, tornados were wind. plothole wut. Everyone's surprised, Cheri's all proud of her boy.
is this a secret rendezvous? I love how those two can understand each other without actually speaking. And Josak does have pretty blue eyes.
But the Big Kumahachi is overwhelmed by Gwen's love, it converted into a zillion little kumahachis
And they sprinkle honeydust to calm the dragons. That 'light' honeydust is the sign of their love.
The all knowing Shinou knew this could happen. He's Shinou. He knows things.
Happy Pochi is now happy :)
So the tldr; version, to quote my translator: "Once in a 1000 years, to those who praise and speak of love during these times of the dragons revolt. People called this kind of love the "true maiden" and gave respect then on." Respect being for those that stand up and fight for love :)
My thoughts:
- I really missed the 'nogisu' by the kumahachis. But I was rather surprised that Conrad was quiet through most of the episode. But they reminded us of his horrifying fault, and that MuraKen shares the same horrible trait. BAD PUNS ARE BAD, NO MATTER WHAT LANGUAGE THEY'RE IN!
- Gwen's a maiden LOL Though it's just a term they chose, it's still fun to think that way. I can't shake the image of Gwen in a pretty dress.
- SERIOUSLY ANIMATORS? GUNTER'S FACES? WTH? but they were good for a laugh. oh man were they epic.
- Since it's filler, it really doesn't set up for anything, or bring anything to a close. It seems to take place somewhere in season 2, as there are only 3 boxes. Since Conrad's around, it had to be after he came back.
- It's kinda nice to see Gwendal actually getting more attention. He's under appreciated. Though, his squirrel is really frightening, as well as his kumahachi. He tries... he really does. poor kid :P
Ok, that's all. I think. Stay Tuned for OVA 5. by... ME,
glitteringloke :)