[Fic] [Round 34] Nothing Changes, PG-13

Apr 12, 2009 14:30

Author/Artist: teef_chan
Characters/Pairings: Conrad, Gunter
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Theme/Prompt being used: ST/UST

......idk. I fail at attempting sexual tension. :| Uhm. Set some years back when Conrad was in the academy and all that jazz.


Their swords clashed, echoing across the otherwise empty room, as his breath hitched. There was something so stimulating about putting the pompous boy in his place. And Conrad needed to constantly be reminded where that place was exactly. Not that he actually minded though. This was always his favorite part of the day no matter what else he claimed. The blades met again and he could feel his heart quicken, though it was less from the physical exertion and more from the man on the other side of the sword.

The fight raged on, as did his thoughts. How gratifying would it be to put him in his place in other ways, he wondered. After all, he was the young man’s teacher, his mentor; he was the one in the higher position, the one always on top. Then again... Conrad liked to continually try him, causing trouble, ignoring commands… What if, instead, Conrad was on top for a change?

But just like the fights that always ended the same way-Gunter disarming the younger, and remaining victor in just another fight that changed nothing-his thoughts always ended the same-a cold bath with just another thought that changed nothing.

challenger - teef_chan, round 034, gunter, conrad, fanfic:2009

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