Author: Isha
Title: Justice!
Characters: Anissina, Maou!Yuuri
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Prompt being used: KKM Ultimate Challenge (Anissina)
She had just pulled Gwendal into her lab when he stiffened, and she saw that their Maou was suddenly before them.
‘Lady Anissina,’ the Protector of Justice intoned dramatically, ‘I cannot allow such injustice to continue! You have tortured Lord von Voltaire long enough!’
As she gaped, the Maou raised an arm, and she found herself strapped into her latest invention. She saw Gwendal wince, even as he fought against a smile, and she had just opened her mouth to scream at him to help her, when she heard the words that sent a chill through her.
‘Justice be done!’
A/N: The idea of this was just too funny to pass up. ;)