Week 65 Polls

Jul 08, 2009 22:00

Captions are closed and the polls are up! And I totally forgot to do the reminder post ^^;, sorry everyone lol

Screencap 1

The top 3 are:


Anissina proceeded to closely study Gwendal's facepalm to collect research data for her newest invention.


Anissina: My inventions are not worthless!! Why, if I could produce a list of good points about my inventions, I would show it to you, but since there's no paper I shall simply tell you all about how great and marvelous my inventions are! First off... *blabbers and blabbers and blabbers*
Gwendal(thinking): Shit, this is going to go on for the next few decades of my life...


Gwendel: That was the WORST rendition of the Little Mermaid EVER.
Anissina: Well you're HARDLY some dashing prince, yourself!

Poll Week 65-1

Screencap 2

The top 3 are:


Sorry, Fluryin. You can't participate. We said it was a threesome.


Wolfram was not impressed with Yuuri's cosplay. Not. Impressed.


Yozak: And if I just pull this string he'll start yelling and shooting fire about how much of a slouch boyo is. Isn't it great?
Doll!Wolfram: RAWR! You cheater! You wimp!
Lady Flynn: ...I somehow doubt there's a market for this.
Conrad: You'd be surprised, we passed a convention center earlier today and sold all but this one model... they said they wanted to see his heated gaze or else it's no good.
Lady Flynn: *Sweatdrops*
Doll!Wolfram: COME BACK HERE YOU LOUSE! Blerghhhh I feel seasick.

Poll Week 65-2

Screencap 3

The top 3 are:


Conrad: Please, Gunter, help the elopers. If Wolfram finds out I took Yuuri with me, he's going to kill me.
Gunter: Already, you have Adalbert hunting you everywhere, now it's your own brother. Maybe you should stop this habit of stealing people's lovers. * thinks about Julia *


Yuuri felt left out as Conrad and Gunter were discussing politics through complicated facial gestures and knowing looks.


With a knowing glance past between them, the two advisors knew it was the ideal time to ravage Yuri in the Courtyard with the Strap-on.
Yuri: ...Oh sweet Shinou-- THIS is Mazoku Clue?! That's it... Greta... from now on you're only allowed to play Pretty-Pretty-Mazoku Princess.

Poll Week 65-3

And congrats to disownmereturnsand vanessasquestfor getting into all 3 polls!


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