Week 64 winners

Jul 05, 2009 20:09

The polls are closed and the results are in!

The winner of screencap 1 with 6 to 2 votes is:

2nd place: ryankh

THUMP -The door is quickly closed-
Yuuri, breathless and terrified: Are we safe now?
Murata, takes a deep breath and listens carefully: I think so... I believe we lost them on the run...
Shouri: Humph, I wouldn't be so sure of that. Those crazy fangirls don't give up so easily. *sighs* Well, what're you waiting for? Give me a hand moving these barrels so we can block that door!

3rd place: masterofductape

Yuuri: I'm melting! I'm MELT- wait... I'm not...
Shori: *sigh* I always told you that wasn't real!
Yuuri: HEY- I got sent to magical world just like Dorothy! Anything is possible!
Shori & Murata: *sigh and rolls eyes*

Mod Entries


Murata: "Shibuya!! What on Earth happened!"
Yuuri: "T-that wasn't the line for the toilets.
Shori: "It's not? Then what did you do in there?"
Yuuri: "It's a line for a free enema..."


Murata: Shibuya, even if you ARE the Demon King, it is NOT appropriate to summon thunderstorms INSIDE a building just because a bug flew into your eye.
Yuuri: But it reeeeeally hurts! T_T
Shouri: Don't worry, Yuu-chan! Big brother will destroy that evil bug for you! I promise!
Murata: Oh, jeez...

The winner of screencap 2 with 7 to 3 votes is:

2nd place:

Yuuri: That yellow backdrop so does not match my outfit today.
Conrart: They must've used paint fill again...

3rd place: disownmereturns

Even Shin Makoku was feeling the effects of Global Warming.

Mod Entries


Yuuri: "Um...is it normal for the sky to be this colour at 2am?"
Conrad: "Oh it''s alright, it's just Wolfram's extended family arriving, their hair reflects any tiny light course a hundred fold."
Yuuri: "O_O....wow..."
Conrad: "Mmm, bring sunglasses when you meet them tomorrow."


Yuuri: You know, it's days like today that make me think, "Why hasn't sunscreen been invented in this world yet?"

The winner of screencap 3 with 7 to 2 votes is:

2nd place: vanessasquest

Murata: Bob-san, that's the wrong finger... it's supposed to be the MIDDLE finger that we want to show to the people who cancelled season 4.
Bob: Damn this language barrier! *Sobs*

3rd place:

Bob: Up there! The island up ahead! I SEE THEM.
Yuuri(thinking): Wow, if this is how Bob plays Hide and Seek, not even Yozak will be able to hide...

Mod Entries


Bob: "There, up ahead is the Island I'll be leaving you all on. Don't forget, you will be given a random weapon upon arriving and you must kill each other before the end of the 3 days. The final suriving person will be taken back home. Any questions?"
Yuuri: Yeah, wtf are you on?"


Bob: Look! A distraction!


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