
May 28, 2022 14:17

I am so desperately upset about the shooting.

Newtown upset me too - so much that when it was publicly available a year+ later, I read the entire FBI report and the murderer's entire journal. It became clear to me then that he was completely batshit crazy. I mean, absolute sociopath. It was obvious the real problem was his mother: she should never have bought him guns. She knew how violent he was. That's when I started advocating for gun safes that only the owner could open.

But now...now I have a child in school. He attacked a grades 2-4 elementary school; KB is in second grade. Kids the same age as KB and her friends cowered for more than hour, listening to the screams of other children and the gunshots of a sociopath.

It is so horrible because I know now how much that will affect those children, in a way I only knew intellectually when Newtown hit; my cousin Patrick was the age of the victims, but I had not yet raised a child to know emotionally how much that would affect the survivors.

It is true that there are zillions of schools in the country and the odds of it happening at her school are tiny.

But the odds were also tiny for Uvalde.

And anyway, it doesn't matter if KB is safe.

I am fucking FURIOUS that people can just walk into a store and buy weapons of war.

I'm furious that our culture worships guns.

I am furious that no politicians seems willing to think outside the box.

Tax the hell out of bullets.
Create a federal registry for bullet purchases so the FBI can investigate anyone who buys in bulk.
Create a registry and limit people to one box of ammo a year.
Require all gun buyers to first buy commercial insurance for their gun possession. Let them prove to an insurance company that they won't commit mass murder. If they can't, the all mighty capitalist market will stop them, not the goddamn federal government that can't legislate its way out of a paper bag.

Nope, instead Biden is like, ban some guns. And GOP leaders are like, absolutely not. And then both sides throw up their hands and say the other side won't compromise and they give up.

If I wasn't a reporter I would be calling every day to demand: tax bullets, limit bullets, registry for bullets or commercial insurance. Do something effective.

Instead I just get to interview NRA idiots who "pepper the interview with inaccuracies" again and again and laugh when I call them out on it, as if it were a game of chess.
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