Return to Home Page Document PE/WM/OV/9/3/31 at Dorset History Centre. I have inserted paragraph breaks for clarity.
Betty Tilsed of Wimborn Minster in the County of Dorset Singlewoman maketh Oath that she has heard and believes she was born at Wimborn Minster afsd where her Parents were then legally settled
That about five years since she hired herself as Servant to Jane Diggs of Poole in the said County Widow for three months for 10s which Services she performed & received wages accordingly She made a new agreement for another ?3? Months for 10s and continued in that Service without any new agreement 8 Months longer & recd wages for the same according to her agreement.
When her said Mistress quitted the house she then lived in & Wm Lodder succeeded her in the sd House & this Deponent being discharged from her Service with Mrs Diggs at the end of 11 Months this Deponent hired herself to the sd Lodder & lived with him 4 Months.
And has done no other Act or deed whereby to gain a Settlement to her knowledge and belief.
The mark of Betty X Tilsed
Subscribed and sworn the
11th day of Sepr 1761 before us
E Okeden
J Hanham
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