Return to Home Page Return to Wills 21st March 1630 [presumably 1630/31]
In the name of God Amen I William Bolton of the parish of Wimborne Minster in the countie of Dorset Clothier
being of perfect minde and memory, thankes be to God, though sicke in body, doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
Imprimis I commend my Soule into the hands of my mercifull God expecting salvacion xxx noe other but by the meanes and in the name of Jesus Christ who by his meritorious death and passion hath paid the full ransome of all my sinnes
As for my body, I committ it to the Earth of which it was made, to be buried according to the discrecion of my Executor either in the Church or Churchyard of the parish church of Wimborne aforesaid
And as for my wordly goods I dispose them as followeth:
Imprimis I give to my lovinge wife Lucy all the household stuffe which she brought with her together with fower of my best xxxx
Item I give to my daughter Jane fowerscore pounds beside the twentie given her by her uncle Gold, to be paid at the tyme of her marriage or the age of one and twentie yeares by my Executor who in the meane tyme shall pay her Eight pounds per annum in way of interest towards her maintenance.
But if it happen that she dy before she be married, or be come to the age of one and twentie yeares aforesaid my will is that the fowerscore pound of my gift1 shall be devided equallie amongst my other children John, Giles, and Mary or they being dead amongst the eldest children.
Item I give my daughter Giles Tilsedd twentie pounds to be paid within a yeare after my death
Item I give to my said daughters two sonnes William and James ten pounds apeece to be paid as abovesaid
Item I give to my daughter Marie Charleton twentie pounds to be paid as abovesaid
Item I give to Margarett and William the children of my sonne John Bolton tenne pounds apeece to be paid as abovesaid
Item I give to my cozen Matthew Trim twentie shillings to be paid as abovesaid
Item I give to my cozen Richard Barnes twentie shillings to be paid as abovesaid
Item I give my sixe silver spoones to my three daughters to be devided as equallie as maie be amongst them
Item I give to the parish church ?Clerk? of Wimborne Minster aforesaid tenne shillings
Item I make my sonne John Bolton full and whole Executor of all my other goods and chattells
And I doe intreat my lovinge friends Gundry Brown Christopher Ansell and William Aynes to be Overseers of this my last will and Testament, to every one of whom I give three shillings fower pence and a pledge of my love In witness whereof this to be my last will and Testament I sett to my hand & seale the daie and year abovewritten
Memorandum the word goods to be blotted out in the thirteenth line by the Testator's direccon himself and the word household stuffe to be added2
The signe of mee William Bolton signed and sealed in the presence of
Walter fflay [parish clerk?]
John Charleton
James Tilsedd
Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram venerabilit viro domino Henrico Marten milite legum ... [16 July 1632] ... Johannies Bolton fili dicti defuncti
1The Will of Jane's uncle William Gould or Gold specified that under these circumstances the ten pounds he left her was to go to the next child down if there was one, or to Jane's mother Luce. Luce Boulton née Gould was sister to
William Gould and
Christian Tilsed née Gould.
2The change of wording here perhaps suggests that Luce Gould brought "goods" to the marriage that were not to be returned to her, or were no longer available to be returned.
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