Will of Christian Tilsed née Gould, Widow of Bere Regis

Oct 19, 2016 16:55

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From what looks like the original copy of this will, it was written on 13th October 1628.

In the name of God Amen: I Christian Tilsed* being of good and perfect memory thankes be given to Almightie God do make & appoynt my last will & testament in manner followinge. First I bequeath my soule into the handes of God my Savioure & redeemer ?Cbolseberinge? by his merite the remission of my sinnes & evlastinge life, my body to be buried in the pish church or churchyard of Beere according to the discrecon of mine executor.

Itm I give unto the Church of Beere five shillings & to the poore of the same give two shillinge.

Itm my will is that the ??£100?? bedspreede & valence in the lower chamber shall remayne unto the house.

Itm I give unto my sonne James Tilsed the best bed & bed?stead? in the upper chamber, the Chest therein, the Cupbord in the hall the best table ?boxe? halfe a dosen of the best pewter x^d ?forme? belonging to the table bord, a brasse kettle in the kitchin, a dripping pan, a ?stimer? & a chafindish.

Item I give unto my daughter Anne Clench* my best gowne, my best cloake, & a peticoate, my second tablebord & a forme, the greate brasen panne, the copper in the kitchin, a pestle & mortar, dogge & andirons.

Itm I give unto Roger Tilsed the sonne of Lewes Tilsed a ?bruckle? bedsteed, a sidebord & a ioyned chaire in the hall.

Itm I give to Mary Clench a?crock?.

Itm I give unto Anne Clench & Mary Bushrode* my daughters all my linnen equally to be devided & the rest of my apparerell not formerly given.

Itm I give unto Christian Goold my goddaughter sixe shillings.

Item I give to my brothers John Goold & Thomas Goold each of them a platter.

Itm I give unto my sonne Lewes a bed & bedsteed from ?ishedim? the chamber over the hall, a brasse ?furnace? pan.

Item I give unto Christian Norris, Anne Norris, Mary Norris, Robert & Thomas Norris, the children of my late daughter Christian Norris* late deceased twentie nobles to be devided amongst them when they shall come to the age of one & twentie yeares, to be ?mburied [?imployed?] according to the discrecion of my executors & in the meantyme to be kept in the hands of my executors & improved for the best advantage of the said children.

Itm I give unto my daughter Anne Clench three poundes to be paid within halfe a yeare after my decease. Itm I give to my daughter Anne Clench her four children twentie shillings apeece. Itm I give unto my other grandchildren ten shillings apeece.

The rest of my goods I give unto my sonnes Lewes & James Tilsed whome I make executors of this my Will.

Witnesses:   John Rogers Clerke,
                    John Clench

Christian Tilsed her mark.

Probate (in Latin) - Christian Tilsed of Beere Regis in Dorset 4th August 1629. Admin to Lodovico Tilsed one of the executors

* Christian Tilsed née Gould - husband not yet identified for certain, but probably Roger Tilsed son of Lewis.
* Anne Clench née Tilsed    - married to Thomas Clench the younger
* Mary Bushrode née Tilsed  - married to John Bushrode
* Christian Norris née Tilsed  - late wife of Tobias Norris

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