I've got monkeys in my heart and one foot in the shower...

Apr 13, 2007 00:28

Oh, LJ. I've been ignoring you. I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional, and hey! I'm doing supremely well in every single course this semester! Every cloud has a silver lining, yeah?

So, where have I been? Well, those with ESPN may have seen me on the telly, acting like a crazed lunatic for the Women's NCAA (first and second rounds) in LA.  Sadly, we--GW--lost the Sweet Sixteen game in Dallas, but we did win both of the NCAA games I attended. I've never been more proud of the Women's team. It was a good run. Also, I got to ride on a chartered plane and go to Disneyland, so all is totally well in my universe. Other than the whole basketball thing, though, I've just been working myself silly with classes, internship, and catering...is it sad that I haven't read any fic in months? It makes me sad. I should get on that.

(On a semi-related note, if anyone can point me in the direction of some quality Jim/Pam fic, I'd much appreciate it. I live for the Jim!face, not to mention the Jim!angst.)

I went to visit my advisor yesterday, and when I told her I wanted to head to grad school for Clinical Psych straight out of undergrad, she totally freaked out and told me to spend time "in the field" before going on to grad school. Okay, I get that, so I mentioned that I've been working in research--oh no, that's no good, apparently. Even though a strong research background is needed for grad school, I've also got to learn how people think. Okay. Sitting in a lab all afternoon doesn't help me better understand the nuances of human behavior, I get that, too. I just find it odd that years of experience in offices, restaurants, and catering (all places where I've had to deal with some pretty nutty characters, by the way--I really should have mentioned the schizophrenic guy who'd barge into my restaurant where I was working last summer and claimed to be our building manager, right before he started screaming about how we were killing the children...seriously, I can deal with the crazies) count for nothing. I also want to work with adults, not children, so how is working at a day camp (one of my advisor's suggestions) going to help? I'd love to work with a clinical population, like in a psych ward of a hospital or something, but most places don't allow undergrads anywhere near the clients. Argh. I know that realistically I have to get out there and pay my dues, but I really don't want to, and the whole meeting made me realize how terrified I am of getting out there in the real world.

Who's going to be in DC this summer? My housing situation is slightly wonky: a friend offered me her studio apartment in NW to sublet for the summer, but the rent is somewhat pricey for just myself, so I should really find a roommate to cut costs. If I don't find one, I'm probably going to be spending the summer couch-hopping. Could be interesting in its own right--maybe a good idea for a short story, even--but I would really rather have a real home for those few months. So, if any of my student-type friends are trying to find a sublet in the DC area, let me know and we can talk rent.

Random tidbit of the day: My Psych of Sex Differences professor definitely signed onto craigslist.com today in the middle of class to show us examples of fetishism. He used search terms like "leather", "spanking", and "bondage". It was probably the classiest thing I've ever seen.
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