Nov 04, 2005 18:12
I actually got quite a bit of mail today that wasn't junk.
Envelope number 1 was from the LVMPD. Apparently, they thought I did well enough to pass the examination process and be placed on their eligibility list. Ironically, the oral board was my best score, though none of them were all that great (none of my scores were above 80). The caveat here is that I'm number 172 on the list, so I'm not looking to be hired on anytime soon.
Envelopes 2 and 3 were from work. Number 2 was a 130 dollar paycheck and number 3 informed me that I flunked their armed guard personality test. As a result, I can't ever be an armed guard for this company because ChoicePoint thinks I don't have the proper personality to carry a weapon. I think CP needs to work on scoring their tests properly as much as they need to stop data-mining, but since I can't dispute the process, I'm just gonna let it all go.
What's funny here is that an actual PD sees me as relatively fit and the military would be more than happy to hand me an assault rifle and more, but a private security company says no.
Speaking of military, I took the ASVAB and got an 85. My AFQT scores (if that makes sense to anyone) averaged at about 118 and I was assured that I had my pick of whatever.
My fourth and final letter hasn't been opened yet since it's from ShitiBank. I know it's them wanting the thousands I owe them and since I do not have said thousands in cash (and they know this since I received an economic hardship deferment), there's not much need to open it unless I want to become depressed. Being too broke to do anything, unable to further my education, unable to relocate myself out of this armpit of the U.S. and unable to find a job that challenges and interests me is depressing enough. I don't need to add to the list.