Turn 81: Thinking

Apr 27, 2011 20:21

Finals times are always fun.

Well, a lot of things have been kinda flying about my mind lately. I've talked to my mom and it seems that she'd be okay with me taking a semester or year off of school. I might go back after wards to get a Master's or just to take more classes, I'm not sure yet, but I definitely wanna go back at least part-time.

It's just... I don't truly have any plans, and it kinda scares me. I want the time to sort of explore, maybe get some new experiences, maybe save up some money.

For sure, I know the next 2-3 weeks are gonna be just working on art projects, then after that, spend June preparing stuffs for AX. I wanted to start a part time job after finals too, save up monies and stuffs.

I also wanted to volunteer at the Animal Shelter. Been wanting to for a while, but I've always been so busy. Sal also mentioned he wanted to volunteer the Habitat for Humanity to build a house. I'm considering joining him on that. I honestly don't know what wanna or should do. Definitely work on personal arts and make a portfolio, but I'm questioning just where I wanna head or if I'll be good enough. I was so intent on animation for a long time, but now I had some fun doing some comic book stuff and I think I might lean towards illustration more, but I'm still a little lost on what exactly I'd like to do. Or rather.... I guess I've been more worried about trying to figure out what I'm more suited for rather that what exactly I'd like...? I dunno. -_-U

I'm horrible at doing finished stuff... I've mostly doodled in my sketchbook lately... need to fix that over the summer. Do some paintings, watercolor, acrylic, hell, maybe even oils even though I'm not fond of the stuff. Maybe I can do some actual finished manga pages for Alex's YGO fanfic since I still have an urge to work on that. Maybe do a little animation for fun, there is a certain anime opening parody I'd had on my mind for a while.

Also need to learn illustrator. Hardly worked with the thing, but it would be useful.
Should work more on Photoshop, too and other Programs.

Oh yeah... I should probably also actually do something with the blog I started and make that Tumblr account too ;;; add learning webpage and html skills to the list of things to do this year.

I guess I just want a bit of breather and time to get my head straight. I've been going through most of school kinda blindly, just taking the classes I needed for my concentration, but I don't feel like I've really done what I should have. Thankfully, I guess, I've still got a bit of time to sort of explore... though that doesn't mean I'm looking to just waste time, either.

I dunno, I just feel pretty lost at the moment. I just wanna get out and do different things. :/

life, random

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