Pardon me while I do a little happy dance.

Mar 02, 2011 19:53

I was working out today at the gym and started getting all comparison-y with people there, and then I had a couple of thoughts. I hadn't really thought them before. Or at least hadn't realized I thought. It started with the trigger: "I work out pretty often, why don't I lose weight?" And I realized two things.

1) When I graduated from college I weighed nearly 190 pounds (maybe a bit more). I've lost 30 pounds since then, and kept it off for the last 6 or so years. That's pretty freaking rad. So I should be proud of myself.

2) I have waaaaaaaay more muscle than I've had, probably in forever (particularly in my upper body). I've been uber skinny and then medium, and then big-ish. But getting toned and feeling amazing is my ultimate goal, and I'm getting there.

So I'm trying to remember that no matter what the scale says, I'm reaching my goals and maintaining them, and that's pretty freaking awesome.
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