Love it will not betray you/Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

Dec 22, 2010 22:48

Well, it's been awhile since I posted. And apparently my fingers have missed typing since I finished my last paper a week and a half ago. That's right, finished my first semester of grad school! Apparently at least some grades have been posted, but I haven't yet figured out how to freaking find them on the site. If I really want to, I can, but I've been having too much going on. Plus, I feel pretty damn good about the semester. I bought myself some boots to commemorate the end of the semester- probably shouldn't make that a habit though- it'd be quite an expensive habit for upkeep.

Today I cleaned up a bunch of stuff from the epic roadtrip of 2010 which was amazing. We camped, stayed with friends, ate lots of yummy food, defended ourselves from insane bands of raccoons, stayed up late/went to bed early, walked in the rain, slept in a bit (well, I did), saw beautiful and amazing places, saw old familiar places through new eyes... and so much more!

Once I got home yesterday, I immediately drained the ice chest of the icky water/milk mixture that happened, and today when I went to wipe it out, it smelled worse than it did yesterday! I didn't think it was possible. I poured some soap in there and scrubscrubscrubbed. It's air drying now, and I think it'll be OK.

It's also been raining quite a bit, but I faced it again today to do some more Christmas shopping. It feels weird to not be working and going to the post office everyday. I drove by it today, and didn't miss it perse, just noted that I hadn't been in awhile. I also haven't wanted to do a lot of shopping at the stores, because I inevitably end up wanting/getting something for myself. And I am really trying to avoid that.

I had breakfast this morning with a couple of friends I hadn't seen in awhile. It was really nice. It's good to know that I have friends, like E, that I haven't seen in years, but I can still just pick up where we left off. It's comfortable in that way, and it's nice.

My neighbors got chickens over the summer, and they promised if they had a rooster they'd get rid of it. Well, 1 ended up being a rooster and they sent it away to a place where a lady has a farm with lots of land. They got new ones to replace it, and lo and behold, one is definitely a rooster again. It crows at ungodly hours, and in the afternoon, and now it's going off at 10:30, so it's pretty annoying. I haven't yet gotten to the point where I'm ready to bring it up, but it's getting close. I just feel bad because to their kid, it's his pet. And I'd hate to do that to him. Just that the rooster is more annoying than any of the dogs in the neighborhood. Anyway, I digress for the moment.

I could maybe wax poetic about the holidays, and how a new year is soon arriving. 2011. 2010 hasn't been so bad, actually. A lot has happened (to say the least), but I also feel like it was one of my healthier years, all-in-all. It has been a mix of good stuff, great stuff, and challenging, hard stuff. I have had moments of contentment and discontent. Of great personal insight, and other moments of shortsightedness. I've opened myself up in some ways, and also had to learn to express myself better. Good things.

Next year can basically be summed up in a word. Balance. I really do want to achieve a better sense of balance in all areas of my life. I think I tend to swing to extremes, and I want to learn how to keep everything in perspective a bit better.

I really want to see the new Tron. And I really don't want to see Black Swan. I just caught part of a preview for that, and the expression on Natalie Portman's face made me want to go huddle under some blankets and not come out for awhile.
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