Oct 03, 2010 20:07
So I did end up getting that smoothie with a friend. And it was fantastic. I tried their chai drink, and I would say that I'm a partial fan. I am not completely won over, but it was satisfying on a hot day.
Last Thursday I went out for Thai food with Mal, and that was yummy. I love pad thai. It's full of peanuts and delicious noodles. And I got a thai iced tea, with boba. I didn't know I could even get that around here!
I am now among the ranks of the unemployed. It hasn't sunk in yet, and part of the reason for that may be because there is still the possibility that my boss will call with questions. That's OK to be honest, I know it will be a transition period of all of a sudden not having me there. And I probably will feel better if I know they at least need me a little. That's not creepy and needy right? I mean, I hope it makes sense. Oops if it doesn't. haha
My parents took me out for a celebratory dinner tonight, which was lovely. I stuffed myself full of delicious salad, tri tip, and breadsticks. And still have some leftover for lunch tomorrow! Win.
Tonight the boy suggested that I listen to Iron and Wine, and I am only on the second song, but I am already won over. Good stuff, yo.
Another part of not being employed is that I no longer get a paycheck (I know you're saying "duh!" right now. And that's OK, I just figured I would mention that to get it out in the open). This will mean I have to fairly substantially examine my spending habits. Not like I've gone crazy, but I have definitely gotten used to having that money coming in. I must be more mindful.
OK now off to go let this food digest happily in my tummy.