Life in 2007

Jan 01, 2007 13:20

This year is starting out to be an alright year so far. I feel like there's a lot of good things to come this year. I'm looking into getting a car. The car I'm looking into getting is an automatic 91' Camaro it needs some work on the transmission because one of the linkage things is bent, but it still runs and it starts really well. The a/c and heater works as well. I'm so excited about it I know it's a Camaro and I don't even like those but hey it's a car. Plus since it's a sports car I know the insurance will be a bit more expensive but it will be my car, totally mine; I won't have to pay for it with the exception of fixing some things on it. Then I'll save up to move out. Life isn't perfect by any means but it does seem to be looking up. Now that I'm getting a car I'm going to have to look into getting a better job to pay for my car. Working only 21 hours is not enough to pay for the bills I have now, so I need to find something that makes more hours.

these are my bills:
1. clearwire
2. cell phone
3. groceries
4. insurance (on mom's car)

To other people it may not seem like a lot but to me it is especially since I'm not making enough to do everything.

I think things are starting to look better and better even though my job kind of blows right now I know I can suck it up and stick it out. Because if I keep this job for at least 6 months - 1 year then I'll have that much experience of being a manager under my belt and that looks good on any application or resume. So what I think I'm going to have to do is: just get a part-time job that way I'll be able to make a little bit more money. It just makes me mad that I was hired on as a full-time employee, but they're working me as a part-time employee because we have too many people.  But, if we got rid of Robert who was supposed to be seasonal we'd have more hours for the rest of us.

I have a brilliant idea: I'm going to just suck it up and make do with the changes Jill has made. For example: I'm going to not call Jill for "stupid" things, but I will call her if we're $3 or more dollars short, I'll call her if I need help with something even if I know she doesn't know the answer that way she can "help" me solve it and if she can't then she can give me permission to call another store. I guess it's not okay to call Becca's store to ask them something when I don't know because Becca's not my boss and neither is Jenn (Becca's store manager) I'm supposed to call Jill. I'll write my name on a piece of paper and put it in the drawer I was on, I'm going to count the drawer twice to double check it, I'll count the safe twice to double check it, I'll even count the deposit twice to double check it; that way there are no more money discrepancies at least on my part any way. She can't blame me for missing money if:

A.) I didn't work that day
B.) I do exactly what she wants me to and I double triple check things to make sure that things are okay

I think that's all for now. I've vented about work and I gloated about my car. I'm good, but if there's anything else I'll be sure to write. Later days. Peace.
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