Dec 27, 2006 22:52
So I'm fed up with work. Jill is freaking insane and I so don't like her any more. I had my second thoughts at first then I liked her now I straight up can't stand her. I think Becca should come back and stay and be our manager. I think that I should get promoted to 1st assistant, Cris should get 2nd, Donna should get lead sales, we should fire Matt and Robert who is ungrateful and crappy. Cris went out on a limb and got him a job at our store and now he's talking shit on Cris and he treats everyone like shit. He bosses Donna and Nick around and he gets into the safe whenever he wants to which is not okay on any level. He needs to quit his shit right now, and Jill thinks he's god sent. But of course he's not.
Plus, the other day I was totally sick, like throwing up all night and during the day and Patrick told Jill that if I could walk I could work. But of course I couldn't even walk. He even had Becca call me to make sure that I was actually sick, not just calling in so I didn't have to work. Cris and Donna were going to Chico because they were scheduled off so they made plans but Jill was trying to call them because she needed someone to come in but Cris didn't have her phone on her because she forgot it at her friends house the night before and when she got it back it was too late. But Jill was all pissy because she didnt' know the whole story and she just thought that they were ignoring the phone call. It just made mad that Jill got pissy because like I told my mom we're not doctors we're not on call, plus no one's going to die if we don't come to work on our day off. I don't know about you but I don't spend my days off waiting by the phone thinking that I might possibly get called in to work. I'm seriously thinking about finding another job. Plus I have manager experience now. Lloyd told me to hold on to this job for a little bit so it will look better on an application or resume which ever works.
Another thing is: I have a cold now. The other day my throat was really dry and I drank some water but it still didnt' help and it hurt like a bitch. Now my throat isn't dry and it doesn't hurt. BUT, my nose is stuffy and my voice is all "sick" sounding and stuff. But whatever, I guess. It's not that big of a deal, at least I'm not throwing up any more.
But on the flip side: I got new boots that only cost me $32.16. There the same kind that Cris bought except that they're much cheaper. I totally didn't copy her because I wanted them since last winter but Lloyd told me that they were ugly and not to get them. He said again that they're ugly but he said that I could do whatever I wanted and if I wanted to get them I could. So I did, I'm so excited, at first I tried on a size 8 but it was too big, and they didn't have any size smaller. But this lady who wanted a size 6 which they didn't have was returning a size 7 so I got those ones. Yay!!! They're so comfy. Anywho, I guess that's all for now. If anything of importance happens or if i get bored later. I'll be sure to write. Later days. Peace.