Apr 25, 2007 01:03
* Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
* Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks.
* Have your friends guess the movie titles.
1)Nazi/Governess/Singing Family The Sound of Music
2)Leukemia/telescope/miracle A Walk to Remember
3)18th Century/Rum/Moonlight Pirates of the Carribean
4)deciet/engagement/subway While You Were Sleeping
5)Saving the World Mission/Oil Rig/Self Sacrifice Armegeddon
6)Drugs/Homosexuality/Friendship-Love RENT
7)secret identity/family/sidekick/CGI The Incredibles
8)Mail Carrier/Survival/Product Placement Cast Away
9)Suitor/snobbery/England Pride and Prejudice
10)Ex-wife/vault/boxing Ocean's Eleven
Okay I modified a few of them... hope that helps.