May 06, 2006 00:44
I am beginning to feel like Rosie O'Donnell.......any minute now, no more DR NICE! ;-)
I can't seem to help myself, I seem to have some pathalogical need to be nice to people! *frowns* It's not that I WANT to be a horrible person, but I need to learn to not think so much about what other people's perspectives are. I know that sounds odd, but I ALWAYS empathise at least a little with where people are coming from. That doesn't mean I agree, or condone it, and it sure as hell won't stop me modding anyone, but sometimes I think I should tell a lot more people to just shove it up their ass.
(whee, it's MY LJ! I can swear like a sailor if I want! :p erm, most of you won't realise that I do actually tend to swear quite a but in RL :-o Not as much as I did before I lived in the Midwest, where all those conservative people who don't much like every second word to be "fuck" live :p ) *inncoent whistling*
er, sorry, got distracted. Where was I?? Ah yes, anyway, trying hard not to snap and get all snarly. Possibly partly because it's heading on for 1am here - must get some sleep :D Nite all, and have a glorious Friday! :D
(crap, see, I'm being FUCKING nice again...... )