I know I know a Harvey Dent, Could I Have A Spider Man Too?

Aug 08, 2008 11:50

      So, being that I'm a complete stalker, it was not unusual that I was logged into myspace last night at around 2am to check out my friends pages.  It's ok, I can do that because I didn't have to be at work until noon today. I was just going about my stalker business when I saw  the notification that I had a message.  Since no one I know uses myspace anymore, my curiousity was peaked.  It was some guy named Rob with no picture.  Creep.  Still, I read the message and it said--can we chat?  Again, creep.  Well Rob was very persistant and the last message I read from him was something to the effect of "I know you, can we please talk?"  Still being apprehensive but now really curious I asked him how he knew me.  He said we used to work at Fremont together.  He could have gotten that information off of my profile.  I proceeded to give him a WAY less merciful interrogation than the prisoners at Guantanamo got, and he was able to fire back 99% of the information I was asking him, and even volunteered information about Fremont that no one would know unless they worked there.  So I gave him the benefit of the doubt and agreed to give him my AIM.  Ahhh....technology.  Throughout this whole process though he was adamant about the fact that he didn't want to give up who he was- claiming that he was shy.  At first I thought he was my friend Annmarie messing with me, but when I asked him what the opposite of "tomorrow" was and he responded "yesterday" and not "yesturday" my mind was eased.  Not to mention the fact that the way he was talking, you could tell he was really educated.

Once we signed on to AIM I tried a different approach at getting his identity.  I turned the tables on him and said "you know there was this one guy that I had a crush on at Fremont, and if you were him, I'd be sooooo happy."  He asked me who, and I proceeded to describe the absolute LAST person I'd want to talk to from Fremont.  The greasy, wierd, creepy mailroom guy who clicked when he talked.    Anyway, my mystery man was dissapointed, but he admitted that wasn't him, so again I was put at ease.  I then told this guy the truth about the guy I was describing, which he thought  was funny, but again he refused to give up his identity.   He did give me small tiny generic hints as to who he was such as he's white, he was on team 1, he's just under 30, we spoke often but we weren't really friends, and lives in New Rochelle etc etc.  At this point 2 hours later in our conversation I was convinced that this guy was genuine and that he was not someone I knew just f**king with me. No one (but me) would have the patience to f**k with someone for that long.

Anyway, we proceeded this back and forth cat and mouse game until approximately 4:30am.  At that point he was tired.  He still refused to tell me who he was, but he did tell me that he thought I was really sweet, and in the next few days he would be contacting me to reveal himself and to ask me out on a date (but only if that was ok with me).

Now, lets just pretend for a minute that this is all real.  HOW COOL of a story is THAT???  I have a secret admirer.  If nothing else, it will give me something else to focus on, other than the fact that Army Dave is home, and I really want nothing to do with him while he's staying with us.  Is it any coincidence that Army Dave and Harvey Dent sound a lot alike?  Hmmmmm......Anyway,  I used to think that my life was like a movie or sitcom, but I guess it's really a  comic book.  Keep your fingers crossed that my Spidey is WAY cuter than Toby Maguire!!!!!
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