4 8 15 16 23 42

Aug 06, 2008 10:57

So aside from

getting ripped off for $500 at the mall.....
Getting such a bad sunburn that it caused my lips and eyes to swell shut......
Having wet cement fall (and then solidify) on my car.......
The guy I'm talking to ignoring me for the month that he has been in Afghanistan, yet finding time to friend request my best friend (whom he has spoken to twice).......
My cell phone randomly deciding it doesn't want to send out text messages/work anymore........

I woke up this morning and couldn't see out of my right eye.  Apparantly I got something in it while I was sleeping and it scratched my cornea.

Up until this month I thought I had really really good luck.  Living life by flying by the seat of my pants and thinking that everything is just going to work out has worked for me up until this point.  Whoever said there is a rule of 3 obviously didn't know me.  It's more like a rule of  6.  Super-sized.

The numbers are bad......................
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