Hello there!
I'm studying for exams. more exactly, I'm trying to understand how to study since I never did it. I'm pretty sure I won't pass these exams and I don't even know if I should be happy or sad about this, I'm planning of change my course but I still don't know.....I'll se after the exams I guess. and I at least should procrastinate less ¬¬
But I got a grammar book yesterday, lol, my english teacher was tired of it and he did sort of a lottery, we had to guess the number he wrote. I won! this means I'll save 25€ XD
e l'altro ieri un poveraccio è finito sotto il treno ad Asti ma questo è meno allegro da dire
The ghost in my house has talked! yes, I'm serious. We've known for a long time that there was the ghost of a child in this house, many people told us that, but it's not a bad presence and we are not scared (but I'd reeeaaaaallly prefer to not see him ever). anyway, yesterday I had to turn off the light sooner than I planned to 'cause I felt there was "something" and there was strange sounds...that's happened quite often so I wasn't surprised but then my mum wake up and asked -Viola....were you calling me a minute ago?-.... she said she heard a strange voice calling her -Mama! Mama!- for 2 times, then she spoke to me and after a while the voice continued -Mama! BAU!-. he never spoke before ...bah, my mum is happy for the experience, I really hope it won't speak to me T__T'''
other than this...I'm working on cosplay and trying to organize my holiday....at the end of July I would be freeeeee! until the 2 weeks of August XD
anyway, how are you guys doing? it has been almost a month since my last post and blah blah...but I'm sorry for all the entries I missed T_T
Obligatory fandom note: Nintendo, I don't think I'll never stop to love you <333
--- let me spazz a little over the Pokemon Gold/Silver remake....OMG YES! I WAS WAITING FOR THIS SINCE I BOUGHT THE NDS! too bad they probably won't do a Crystal remake but still..... best pokemon games EVER! I seriously can't wait to play it *__________*
--- AAANNDDD...as if that wasn't enough already... see who will be come back in AA Investigations:
TWO (has Maggey hair ever been than dark?)
I'm still hoping for other cameos (maybe with less important characters) but I know I'm just being too optimistic...and I'm happy anyway! I was really suspicious at first but I'm starting to believe I'll will really enjoy this game and...uhm...it can't be worst than Apollo Justice IMO.
--- About Hyotei OAVs....I'm the only one who find it SO amusing? look at their eyes!! XDD the -to draw a character looking younger just make his eyes bigger- theory never stop amusing me XD
I'm not a Hyotei fan but...I have to admit I'm really curious about it U_U
Tagged by
feuillu 1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
A joke with
vampy18 XD it said something like "You are the first of the list..." in a threatening way. Shishido and Othori's koalas will kill us all one day or another :|
this is my serious icon, I think it's sort of....moving. I know this sounds retarded but to me it's sort of sad and optimistic at the same time, I really like it
lol, random. Ryoma + Mario hitting a Groomba = WIN XD
I wanted some icon with Takeru and that photo was just.....lovely. how to resist? XD
I swear I have nerd senses. I can't explain, it's a secret. lol, lazyness
Yay for crossover! it reminds me a lot.....why are everyone so noisy on the train when I'm trying to finish a case? I'm trying to concentrate, damn! :| *racist nerd is racist*
fandom meme next time, this post is already too long U_U
also, msn doesn't to work this evening and this song is pretty awesome ♥
il mio pc ha appena tentato di suicidarsi... il cursore si è improvvisamente spostato su -spegni computer- ...seee, ti piacerebbe XD
Good luck with exams and everything everyone!