Hello! it has been...more than a month since my last entry ^^''
useless to say, I'm sorry to not being able to comment or post more often, I'm so behind with work and even more with University *should stop to waste time* T_T
how are you?
I'm planning of spending easter in Bergamo with my friends and to visit
Le Cornelle, I won't be at home until Tuesday *___*
(expect some photos from the wildlife park if I manage to settle the camera, damn, it's not even mine XD)
anyway, I wanted to do a post full of cosplay pictures but I haven't got all the photos from Cartoomics yet so I have to wait :/
just a preview of our Tsubasa Chronicle group (click on the image to see it in full size)
I even did some draws lately, mostrly about Phoenix Wright and Dorohedoro but...uh...too much for your poor F-page XD
I don't mean to spam you, if you are interested everything is in
my Deviantart account Uuuuuhm........Since I have to stay a lot of time drawing at the pc and I'm learning by heart all my mp3s, could you please dear f-list pimp me a song? I really want something new to listen ^^''
ilrancore aggiorna più di me, ma ci rendiamo conto? XD