woo hoo kitty, we are pleased to let you know that yes, you can take on more debt! boy oh boy. i'm so lucky. let's just hope i can be intelligent and manage this responsibly. hah. kitty and responsibly in the same paragraph. and really, it's not supposed to be a joke
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I know what you mean about feeling antsy when there's nothing to do. I like to think it stems from a good work ethic. Just remind yourself that it's better than being so swamped that you can't breathe, and that eventually, you'll probably be looking back on the slower times longingly.
I found therapy the hardest when I was actually getting to the core of an issue. It was especially frustrating because I'd just untangle some big knot of truth and then the hour would be up, and I'd be left to deal with it all by myself for the next week. If I'd been able to, during that period, I would have bumped it up to twice a week, if for no other reason than to get through the tough stuff quicker.
And just 'cause it never hurts to hear: You're doing better than you think, lady :) *hugs*
she's right you know.... it downright scary too =P
And if it's scary, it's at least a useful scary!
it *is* useful scary! still makes me want to curl into fetal position and cry, but it *is* useful! *grins*
i'm working on the slow stuff...trying to figure out which jobs of my co-workers i can take over..;)...yes, i'm twisted :)
this therapy is three and a half hours in one session, and homework on top of that. i realized last night that i'm no good at homework - you actually have to remember to do it before the next session. i think the time of year has a lot to do with it...
Whatever works!
Wow, that's pretty intense. Homework is no fun, but it's at least directed, which is better than feeling like you're sinking without a line.
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