Apr 16, 2002 23:20
i've been awake since 3a.m. this morning, and goodness me--it's truly been a long day...in more ways than one. i'm so tired of having everything in my life be ruled by Time: time to get up. time to slip into 1st hour just before the bell rings so i don't get marked Late. time to go to lunch. time to go to the NHS/Interact/Yearbook/MoD/whatever meeting. time to go to my piano lesson. time to go home. time to start my homework. finally, time to head to bed...but then it's time to get up again. why can't i just indulge myself in nothingness and be lazy and get enough sleep till i'm tired of sleeping--just for ONE DAY??? one day (when i have some Time) i'm going to pack a suitcase full of clean underwear, cranberry juice, crayons and a Precious Moments coloring book; hop onto a plane, wearing a pair of jeans and the yellow Iowa State University T-shirt that belonged to my brother 19 years ago, when he was 4; and bask in the delights of Italy, where mid-day naps are actually scheduled into one's work schedule and meals are a six-times-a-day affair. now THAT'S what i consider drinking up life. right now, at this single moment in time, it just feels life is drinking me away. (i think i'm just in an unusually droopy mood right now; i'm not really taking into consideration all the wonder and joy and beauty that i know i'm able to discover every day of my life, all of which i am truly grateful for) so i'll stop complaining now--here's my big sigh of the week: ***SIGH***
today, the 16th, is Jennay's birthday! that in itself makes it a special day. but also, yesterday i received her "specially-made-just-for-me-me-me!" CD compilation in the mail. i love track #10 ("Shoe In" by Secret Stars). it's the song i always play first when i turn on the CD player and it makes me whine with happiness.
we had Newspaper late nights tonight...i'm so proud of our photo section! our photos this issue are freakin' awesome, and minus my first 3 hours of being the sole photographer there, getting blamed and yelled at, and serving as the primary target for rubber-band missiles, the rest of the night was Good Times, Good Times. *Good Times with Kate and Brandon as we screamed with laughter about "awkward" drawings on Kate's foot, *Good Times loading in those even awkwarder photos of Erica/Simeon...
high-fives all around.